Sunday, February 28, 2016

Parasyte: The Maxim

Dear Readers,

I have decided to take a moment and talk about the visually dynamic anime called Parasyte: The Maxim. WARNING: this post may contain graphic images that may not be suitable for younger readers... thus I rate this post PG for parental guidance suggest.
Shinichi's parasite Migi (image link)
First, The Parasites: This alien species begins an interesting life cycle.
cropped screen shot from Episode 1: Metamorphosis
It starts off in an egg or spore like state that allows it to travel through space.
cropped screen shot from Episode 1: Metamorphosis
Once it lands, the shell cracks open and the larva emerges. This larva has sensory bulbs that could be considered eyes, similar to a slug, a body that can wiggle and move like a worm, and hard proboscis for burrowing like a mosquito. This creature's "instincts" are to burrow into the brain.
Episode 1: Metamorphosis (Image Link)
In a short time period, consumes and mimics the cells of the brain and other tissues, organs, and biological substances. However, it is limited on size, thus it only consumes the head and not the entire person.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers 1978 (Image Link)
Admittedly, this is a very similar plot to Invasion of the Body Snatchers, however, the parasitic nature and potential for symbiosis allow it to stand apart.

The main character, Shinichi, manages to trap the parasite in his arm, where it became his arm instead of his head. As the parasite began to become aware of its own existence and learn, it gained the ability to recreate eyes, a mouth, etc.
Episode 20: Crime and Punishment
As the parasite continues to grow in skill and knowledge, it can recreate other organs if need be, such as a heart. It can also create dense substances like bone, and even a biological metal compound, likely derived from iron, like with the iron in blood.

Despite the possibilities of the parasite's mimicry, unless it consumed a brain, it cannot mimic a brain, its chemistry, and its nervous system and control. Indeed, it is shown that a parasite that replaces a woman's head can only control a female body, likely due to the difference in hormones and brain chemistry (Episode 5: The Stranger).

No matter what, it seems, this creature is always limited to being a parasite. It cannot exist or create all of the needed organs to survive away from the host body for an indefinite period of time. I believe this is derived from its lack of ability to produce new cells. It seems only able to manipulate the cells it has after initial gestation. This is done using a method of brain wave control, similar to radio waves. These waves are able to be sensed and even blocked and confused by other waves.

It also has potential of human intelligence, however skewed by physiological differences. By this, I mean that the parasite lacks true empathy, and usually emotion. If the parasite consumes the brain, it has a genetic directive to "destroy this species". This can often blind and distract the creature from learning other aspects. However, its will to survive can allow it to adapt to situations. Thus, the parasites can fight their cravings.

Sometimes, it is amazing to me how self preservation can compel us to become something better than we are. For the parasites, their desire to live and not be hunted down enable them to fight their strongest instinct, their strongest craving, and become "human".
BBC's Being Human (Image Link)
Second, I love the word "human". It has so many added implications. To be "human" does not mean to be a homo sapien. It is a whole attitude, or life, or character. One can be human and be a ghost, a vampire, a werewolf (the BBC television show Being Human). Even dogs can be or act human. I believe the key to this is being humane. Having charity, compassion, and love. These are the qualities of a human. Thus, human is as human does. Homo sapiens, or people can not act or be human.

Thus, the greatest lesson I learned what to do with the instincts we have. God has given us laws and commandments to help us become "human" to be "human". Many of these commandments, if not all, directly contradict our instincts or "natural man" (Mosiah 3:19). "Thou shalt not kill" (Exodus 20:13) is the main one that the parasites struggle with... but what about humans. How often do we hear the world say, we are only animals? We have a desire to mate and reproduce, so why not give in to this desire? Thus, we can see that true humanity is using the desires God has given us in a way that makes us better. Sometimes it is needful to kill, usually for food, whether plant or animal. To have sexual relations within the bonds of marriage is and beautiful, wonderful thing, for it builds a strong family, as opposed to loose ties. All commandments are given us for our good.
The Deaths of Ian Stone 2007 (Image Link)
Though I desired to talk about the parasites themselves, I also wanted to talk about their, and our potential. The potential to be human. Thus, I will conclude with one of my favorite movies, The Deaths of Ian Stone. Though Ian turns out to be one of the "harvesters" his love for a mortal woman, a human, gives him strength. Indeed, one of the last lines is, "Thank you for making me human." How I long to find a woman to love, not just any woman, but a woman whose love makes me human.

Jacob Smithson


Dear Readers,

I suddenly gained a hankering for watching some PBS Nova, and found out that one can watch Nova: Science Now free online. In the course of a minor binge, I found something that stuck with me. Neanderthals.

Nova: Science Now "What Makes Us Human?"

The episode is called What Makes Us Human? and it talks mostly about our brains and our genes. However, there is a large section about Neanderthals. Though they are "classified" by science as Homo Neanderthalensis, scientists have yet to agree if they are a different species, or only a subspecies.

I would like to remind my readers about the post I had about The Creation, and how scientists do not abide by their own rules when distinguishing different species. It is by this that I would like to point out some arguments about the Neanderthals in the video. Many of us humans, or Homo Sapiens, have Neanderthal genes which are supposed to have been introduced after the two "species" separated. This means that the Neanderthals were able to successfully breed with Homo Sapiens. This also, as far as I can tell, determines that they are indeed a subspecies of humans.

Now, what is a subspecies? Other names for subspecies are breed, as with different cat and dog breeds, and race, with people. Wait, if neanderthals are a subspecies of humans, as well as all of the different races of people we have today, does that mean neanderthals are just a different race? Yes, yes it does.
(cropped screen shot from Nova: Science Now "What Makes Us Human?")
The main reason scientists don't refer to neanderthals as a race is because of their head and brain structure. The rest of their bodies closely resemble our own, more hairy and usually with red hair, but their skulls are larger and more bulbous, which would give them larger faces. Their brains are also larger, though the argument was made that they might not be better, since their subspecies is extinct.

However, with the descriptions of hunter gatherer, red hair, very hairy, and living in caves, I began to think about Esau (who's name means "red") son of Issac from the Old Testament. When Rebekah, Issac's wife, was giving birth, "...the first came out red, all over like an hairy garment; and they called his name Esau." (Genesis 25:25). In Genesis 25:27 it adds, "...and Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field..."

Well, there is the red hairy hunter, but what about the caves? "And Esau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee, with that same red pottage; for I am faint: there was his name called Edom." (Genesis 25:30). Esau, feeling robbed of his birth rite over the "pottage" he left and made a home in the mountain of Seir, "Thus dwelt Esaus in mount Seir: Esau is Edom." (Genesis 36: 8). Now, the name "Seir" means "shaggy", and was given to a man who founded the Horites (Bible Dictionary Seir). The Edomites, named after their ancestor Edom or Esau, were a people who lived in the area South of the Dead Sea. It was these Edomites who mated with the Horites, or "shaggy people", who lived in caves (Bible Dictionary Edom). Thus, the red (Edom) shaggy (Seir) people were formed, and were called by one name, Edomites.
Area where neanderthal skeletons have been found (screen shot from Nova: Science Now "What Makes Us Human?")
The Edomites often went to war with Ancient Israel, and it is quite likely that either as prisoners or simply to escape the conflict, that some Edomites migrated into the northern lands of modern day Europe. This would explain why most neanderthal bones have been found in this area.

Though they migrated north, as the episode points out, they were a strange looking people, and likely received much persecution. Likely, being driven and hunted like monsters, it was a rare and strange thing for them to be accepted. However, this could explain the mannerisms and genetics of Ireland and Scotland. Indeed, both of these people generally have black or red hair.

I acknowledge that there is a widely different time scheme between Edomites and Neanderthals, however, as I brought up in my post about Geography of the Book of Mormon, if we used proper and more accurate ways of telling genetic time, then the two time periods become closer together.

Alas, though my ideas are sound in my mind, the majority of the world, and science, reject this train of thought. As for myself, I have come to the conclusion that Neanderthals are indeed the name of the race of Edomites. I would love to hear your thoughts or ideas on this subject, so feel free to post!

Special thanks to PBS and the Nova program for sharing so much scientific information with the world.


Sunday, February 14, 2016

Avatar 2: Avatar

Dear Readers,

Since I have posted about the general bending of the Avatar: The Last Airbender series, I have decided to also talk specifically about the Avatar. Hopefully, this will clarify and combine your knowledge that you may comprehend more fully the beauty of the series, as well as the beauty of this world.
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Firstly, an Avatar is one who acts on behalf of someone else. Usually, this is corresponded with a computer or video game avatar, representing the gamer. It is after this manner that the James Cameron movie Avatar is named. Though Jake is human, he transfers his mind into a Na'vi avatar to represent himself and fit in. Though, in the past, an individual could be an avatar on behalf of a god, like Pharaoh was the avatar of Ra (the Egyptian sun god), or Ra incarnate. That is to say, Ra in the flesh. In a similar manner, the Avatar is to act like a Prophet, a spokes person on behalf of God, with the purpose of uniting the world, bringing peace to the land, and helping other return to God.
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Secondly, the Avatar is able to manipulate all of the elements. This would likely mean that they have the genes for all four bending proficiencies. However, because they are born, one in each country once per generation, it is more like they have the initial genetic trait, the one corresponding their their country, but are then given authority or "keys" over the others as well.

Because of this, I find that it is time to talk a little bit about how the priesthood works. Now, in the hierarchy of the Church, the Twelve Apostles and the First Presidency hold all of the priesthood keys given to man on the Earth. Thought these are not literal, or physical keys, they are keys that open blessings and windows of heaven. However, only the Prophet, also called the President of the Church, has the authority or authorization to exercise all of the priesthood keys. The others hold the keys, but are not permitted to use them. By this manner, the priesthood keys are to remain upon the Earth, never to be taken away again.

Some of these keys include the authority to baptize, to bestow the Holy Ghost, to seal husband and wife, and parents to children for time and for all eternity, and to even endow blessings upon the children of God. However, there are keys that still have not been bestowed unto man. Two of these keys, that are known, are the key of resurrection and the key of creation (The Keys and Authority of the Priesthood by Elder Dallin H. Oaks). I do not wish to confuse resurrection with raising the dead, for the keys to raise the dead are indeed upon the earth. However, the keys to raise the dead to an immortal glorified state are not upon the earth (Our Great Potential by President Spencer W. Kimball).

By this manner, we could say that the Avatar holds the keys to bending all four elements. While others, due to their heritage and genetics, only hold the key of one of the elements. This is a clear reflection of how keys can be bestowed down the governing body of the Church. At the lowest, ward, levels, there are only three men who hold priesthood keys. The Bishop, the Teachers Quorum President, and the Deacons Quorum President.

Though there are only a few who hold priesthood keys, the priesthood itself is given to every worthy male in the church, at the age of 12 or above. Though the priesthood is divided into the Aaronic and Melchizedek priesthoods, also known as the lesser and the higher priesthoods, they both contain the authority of God. The lesser priesthood to administer in physical rights and rituals, like Aaron of old, and the higher priesthood to administer in more spiritual and eternal things.

Indeed, to this day, if a man were to prove that they are a firstborn direct descendant of Aaron, then by their genealogy and heritage they have the rite to the priesthood and the office of Bishop and its associated keys (Doctrine and Covenants 68:16-17). Thus, it is realistic that genes or heritage could be a marker for holding keys.

In addition to the priesthood and its keys, the priesthood authority can also be delegated down. This is how women in the church can act with the authority of God in their callings, whether in the Relief Society or in the Temple. By this manner, the authority of God can be used by every worth member of the Church, though they may work through the keys held by someone else.
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Thirdly, in Avatar: The Last Airbender, Aang is shown to have awakened what were called jugglers, but in contemporary knowledge are called chakras. Now, these chakras are not chakra from Naruto, though they do have some correlation with the chakra meridian system gates. I prefer to call these gates, or chakras, jugglers.
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The first juggler is Earth. It is located at the base of the spine, also called the root, and is associated with the desire to survive. This juggler is blocked by fear or grief. As in the movie After Earth, Will Smith's character Cypher Raige said, "Fear is not real. The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of our imagination, causing us to fear things that do not at present and may not ever exist. That is near insanity. Do not misunderstand me, danger is very real, but fear is a choice." Thus, fear can block us, paralyze us, and keep us from surviving from living.

The second juggler is Water. It is located in the sacrum, or tail bone, and is associated with pleasure. Because of this association, it is also correlated with sexuality. This juggler is blocked by guilt. Regret often times comes from actions not taken, or actions done for the wrong reason. Thus, being able to let go and forgive is the best way to unblock this juggler. However, grief is an important part. If you do not allow yourself some time to grief over the action, you will never learn from it, and you will never truly move past it.
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The third juggler is Fire. It is located at the solar plexus, or simply the stomach. This one is associated with power. Like Gibbs' gut feelings in NCIS, this is where power and insight can be felt. However, much like guilt vs pleasure, shame can block our power. In the movie The Edge, Anthony Hopkin's character mention that most people die in the wilderness because of shame. They blame themselves for something they didn't do, or a mistake they made. Shame differs from guilt in that it is an outward reaction. Guilt is how we feel about ourselves, while shame is what others think about us, or what we think other feel towards us. God said that Satan wanted His "honor, which is my power;" (Doctrine and Covenants 29:36). Honor, being loved, that is true power, and if we feel shame in place of love, how can we be honorable?
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The fourth juggler is Air. It is located in the heart and is associated with love. My blog post about the Heart sheds quite a bit of insight into this correlation. This juggler is blocked by the broken heart, soul wrenching feeling of grief. Grief is the sadness of loss, the unwillingness to let go. This is mostly profound when someone passes away, from this life to the next. Thus, the best way to get past grief is to realize that those we love are never really gone. We will see them again.
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The fifth juggler is Sound. This juggler is located in the throat, which makes sense because of the vocal cords. Also, this juggler is associated with truth and is appropriately blocked by lies. Though this can be taken in a literal sense, telling the truth will set you free while lies weave the web of chains that bind you down, there is also the internal aspect. We often tell ourselves lies, we are not beautiful, we are worthless, etc. The anime points out the greatest lie of all is the lie of separation. We are different from them, or I am different from them. Though individuality can be a serious strength, feeling outcast can be an even greater obstacle. We are all children of God, we are all part of His family and are descendants of Adam and Eve. We are all part of the same beautiful world.
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The sixth juggler is Light. This juggler is commonly called the third eye. It is associated with perception and insight. Illusions block our perception. Whether physical mirages, drug induced hallucinations, or the illusion of incorrect traditions or philosophy, these things and disorient us and lead us down the wrong path. Again, one of the greatest illusions is brought from the lies we tell ourselves about the world around us. In particular, the illusion of separation. Our bodies feel like ours, but they are of the earth. Our spirits, at least through mortality, are only borrowing that dust. We are not so different, not so separated.
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The seventh and last juggler is Thought. This juggler is associated with spiritual and cosmic energy and is located at the crown of the head. Like a nexus of energy, it is the reciprocal of the blessings of God to our minds and bodies. Our body heat flows from it. Our bio-electrical field emanates from it. Blessings are bestowed by the anointing of oil and the laying of hands upon it. Indeed, I have theorized that steeples on church buildings are conductors or amplifiers for its power.

Alas, this juggler is blocked by attachment. This is not the same as bonds of friendship. This attachment is towards worldly things. Having a love of money, or possessions. Sometimes, people can even bee this source of envy, greed and pride. It is these things that are to be cast aside. Matthew 19:29 "And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life." This scripture is not to say that we must forsake them, but if they become stumbling blocks, if they hold us back from God and from Christ, then we may need to rethink our priorities. Our loyalty, our love, should always be to God first. Then, to our spouse and families. As long as we keep that chain clear in our minds, God will be sure to bless us, and make any wrongs into rights.
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I think that it is interesting how it is by learning how to bend and use spirit energy that Aang learns how to removing an individual's bending ability, almost as thought it is the prophet's duty to remove and rebuke unlawful use of priesthood keys.
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I find it interesting how these jugglers or chakras are like the steps of the gospel. First we learn to have faith and trust in Christ, which dispels fear. Then we begin repentance by learning for forgive ourselves and allowing others to forgive us. If we truly repent, we begin to feel love and become more honest with those around us. With that freedom we begin to gain knowledge and intelligence, our thoughts are turned toward the things of God and our burdens are made light.
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Lastly, the 4th aspect of the Avatar is the reincarnations. I addressed this already in my post about Reincarnation. However, to sum up quickly, reincarnation does not exist. Though they are spirits of individuals they are all linked by the mantle of the priesthood they held, as prophets today are. Even Brigham Young, after the Prophet Joseph Smith passed away, spoke in a General Conference meeting with a countenance that made him appear as though he was the former prophet. Though a prophet dies, they still labor diligently for the good of the Kingdom of God.

I leave you with my testimony that there is a Prophet on the Earth today. That mantle of authority and the priesthood keys associated with it have been passed down from one prophet to the next since it was restored back to the Earth through Joseph Smith.

If you have any questions or comments about what I have written, I welcome and would love to read them. I hope that you have enjoyed this post.


Previous Post: Avatar: The Last Airbender

Avatar: Last Airbender

Dear Readers,

I have decided that I want to talk a little about the Avatar series, particularly, how bending works. Now, I have only seen Avatar: the last Airbender, so I am not too antiquated with the sequel series Legend of Korra.
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Now, lets imagine a world in which the children of God, or the human beings, have some genes that allow individuals to have command or dominion over certain elements. These elements are associated with the western ideas of air, water, earth and fire.

Now, these genes can be passed down, but they are not dominate. This is why most people in this hypothetical world are normal, but in each group there are those who have the genes associated with one of the elements.
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For example, the Earth Kingdom has earthbenders, but not everyone is an earth bender. Same with the Fire Nation, Water Tribes, and Air Nomads.

Now, each of these groups or countries have certain characteristics, such as: Fire Nation is power hungry, Water Tribes are spread out, Air Nomads travel, and Earth Kingdom builds large cities. Whether or not these characteristics are traits that are common among the benders, or if they sprang from the benders remains unknown. There is logic on both accounts.

Like, do firebenders have a disposition to gain and crave power because fire consumes and devours by burning fuel? or are the genes associated with firebending leave genetic susceptibility to greed, like some genes allow for greater temptation to addiction or depression (see my post: Depression is of the Devil?).

In either case, a correlations is visible. Air Nomads travel like the breeze, migrating from temple to temple. The Earth Kingdom fortifies and is defensive and strong. Water Tribes spread out to the far reaches of the flowing water, as well as along banks or shores where water is abundant.

Whether nature or nurture is the culprit for these characteristics, it matters little. What is important is the use of these genes. Just because the individual has the genetic traits allowing them to commune with one of these elements, it does not mean that they know how to "speak the language" per say.
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With waterbending, the individual feels their emotions and then lets them flow like a river. This, communication with the heart, is the language the water responds to. In the case of waterbending, the martial arts of Tai Chi have the fluid motions that allow a connection between the user's body, their emotions, and the element.

Knowing and building this line of communication, using practice and discipline, allows the individual to manipulate that element, "...for there is a God, and he hath created all things,...both things to act and things to be acted upon." (2 Nephi 2:26). The elements, the earth, fire, wind, and water, are things to be "acted upon". People and animals are "things to act". Thus, as children of God, it could be a genetic birth rite to command the elements.
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This understanding could be why M. Night Shyamalan's movie The Last Airbender was such a horrible flop. He focused too much on the martial art combinations as the language as opposed to a direct constant communication, each body movement having immediate influence upon the element. This could also be explained with the seals or hand signs from Naruto and the invocations from Bleach. M. Night was trying to show how the language speaks, how it talks, rather than quick, precise, and instant effect.
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That is why the cartoon was so loved, like the ninjutsu or spells from Naruto and Bleach respectively, an action had an obvious causality. They punch, and the fire ball launches. They kick, and the rock moves. They spin, and the wind blows. They sway, and the water surges.

Mr. Shyamalan was complicating something that was enjoyed because of its simplicity. Now, even though I can understand what M. was doing, it does not mean that I enjoyed the movie any more. It was quite horrible. It does, however, give it a good merit, the understanding that there is more depth to what is going on than what meets the eye.
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Now that I have finished my quick rant about the atrocious movie, I will return to waterbending. Waterbenders can manipulate water in all three forms, liquid, solid and gas.Thus, they can harden or freeze the water into ice, melt ice into water, dissipate water into the air, or even draw moisture from the air and condense it into water.
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After further growth and understanding of water, a waterbender can even manipulate the water inside of living things: like plants, animals, and even people. In the case of animals and people, this is usually called bloodbending. Because most of the water of the human body is in the cells and blood stream, the bloodbender can control the person like a puppet, or simply rip the moisture from their body.
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After a similar manner, a waterbender can use water to mend and aid cells, causing healing.
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As a polar opposite, firebending uses explosions of emotion, usually anger. The language or martial art associated with this is Shaolin. With the fancy and wide moves involved in this technique, the firebender would sweep the fire, burning and collecting the oxygen to consume as fuel.
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However, there is also the use of lightning. Lightning is considered to be the "cold-blooded fire". Unlike most firebending, it does not involve an explosion or release of emotion. The electricity is release with cool, collected precision. In other words, a simple pure desire to kill.
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It is interesting to note that while waterbenders can manipulate their sweat, saliva, or other body fluids and thus produce their element, firebenders can manipulate their ki, like in Dragon Ball, and use that heat energy to not only warm themselves up, but even produce fire. 
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Earthbenders, on the other hand, cannot even remotely produce their own element. However, their element is found it quite abundance. The language of earthbending is Hung Gar. Toph Beifong has described earth as a "stubborn" element. It is quite solid and unyielding, thus the rigid, strong, forceful motions of Hung Gar. 
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Toph was also the first one to develop metalbending. During the smelting process, most of what makes the rock or dirt earth was burned or melted away, leaving only the metal mineral. This makes it nearly impossible for earthbenders to manipulate metal. However, because of Toph's blindness and her ability to listen and feel the element, she managed to locate whatever part of metal that still responds to bending. This allows her to manipulate metals as easily as earth, though the metal has different properties. 
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As I said, earthbending has helped Toph to be able to "listen and feel the element". This has enabled her to practically see with her earthbending, which is a great feat since she is blind. Seeing in this manner could also be called seismic sense, for the vibrations are felt through the solid matter. 
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As earth's polar opposite, airbending is quite extravagant. The Ba Gua Zhang movements are circular and large allowing for great amounts of air disruption. 
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With the comparison to the planet Earth and it's rotation, the direction coupled with the heat changes in correlation to its position to the Sun causes great air currents. Thus, the circular, and even spherical, movements resemble the wind rotation on the Earth. 

Thus we see, the language of the elements connects the individual's mind to their body, and allows their soul to commune with the element. 
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Though we too are children of God, He has not seen fit to bless us with genes that contain His inherent authority or power. However, by faith and the priesthood, also known as the authority of God, we can indeed act in His name. Whether that is healing the sick, commanding the seas to part, or mountains to remove to a yonder place, as long as it coincides with His will, we can do all things. 
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I fully realize that not all of my readers are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Though you may doubt my claims, I testify that God's power and authority is on the Earth today. It is the same power by which Moses parted the Red Sea, the same power by which Christ raised the dead, and the same power by which miracles have been performed throughout history. To those of the Mormon faith, specifically those who hold the priesthood, its keys, or simply the authority to act under those keys, I exhort you to try to understand the power that you hold. It is the power of God, and by maintaining your worthiness to exercise that power, miracles will manifest. I know this to be true.

I have born my witness, and now ask for anyone who has questions about what I have talked about, or simply want to share their experiences with and witness of the priesthood, feel free to do so. 


Nest Post: Avatar 2: Avatar

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Star Wars: Lightsaber, Midichlorians

Dear Readers,

Thanks to the support I received from my first Star Wars post, about The Force, I have decided to write a follow up post about lightsabers and midichlorians.
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Firstly, Obi-Wan said to Luke concerning his first lightsaber, "Your father's lightsaber. This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster; an elegant weapon for a more civilized age." (Star Wars IV: A New Hope)

We can gain quite a bit of insight from this, first I will compare lightsabers to medieval swords. In ancient kingdoms, knights were the warriors that protected cities and lead armies. The use a sword that was forged, if not by them, for them specifically. The would train with it, get to know it, and almost become one with it. Indeed they would name their swords, like King Arthur's Excalibur.

A weapon such as this, in the hands of one who has been trained and has proficiency, it not clumsy but is precise. It can indeed be called an "elegant weapon".
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Now that I have pointed out that connection, what is a lightsaber?

A lightsaber is a hand held device that produces a controlled plasma beam. The beam resembles a sword or blade, and also produces light.
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Like lasers today, the energy is optimized and condensed. However, instead of using mirrors, lightsabers use crystals. Now, I realize this cross-section is not technically cannon, but in theory and practicality, the concept is valid. That being said, the primary crystal is filled with the energy from the diatium power cell. This crystal then acts like a plasma light bulb, emitting the energy into the focusing crystals, condensing the beam. That beam enters the energy channel, and can be released out the blade emitter. Due to the magnetic stabilizing ring, the polarized energy's shape is controlled and, of course, stable. The length and density, or power, can be adjusted to the user's preferences or needs.
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Thus, a lightsaber is an energy weapon, but why does that differ from a blaster? Yes, a blade can be controlled better, but a marksman with a blaster could attack from a distance with incredible precision. I believe the difference in in the crystals.
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Not only do the crystals give the blade its color, but the crystal is also imbued with The Force of the Jedi who created it. This makes it a Force weapon.
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According to Wookieepedia Lightsaber Legends, The creator of the lightsaber meditates and puts their force into the crystal, which also makes it glow. This substantiates my conclusion from my post about The Force, that The Force is raw intelligence, or the light of truth. Because of this, the lightsaber contains knowledge or part of the individual's psyche within. Not only that, but with repeated use, that intelligence grows, added to by Force users who touch and use it.
This explains Rey's Force vision in Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens, when she touches the lightsaber. Though I do not completely agree with what Mainstream Geek! has to say on the subject, I do believe that, because of the intelligence given to it, it is telling its story.
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Now, does this mean that only Force user's can use a lightsaber? No. As shown in the Clone Wars Television series, which has been deemed as cannon, Pre Vizsla, who is not a Force user, is able to use a lightsaber, or rather, a darksaber.
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Also, General Grievous, who exhibits no indications of being able to use The Force, at least in the movie Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith, is able to use four lightsabers at once.

Thus, it is my theory that, though lightsabers can be used by non Force users, the true capabilities can only be unlocked by someone who uses The Force.

Now that we have discussed why Jedi and Sith use lightsabers, what about the midichlorians that Qui Gon Jinn talks about in Star Wars I: The Phantom Meanace?

Qui Gon said, that "Without the midichlorians, life could not exist, and we would have no knowledge of the Force. They continually speak to us, telling us the will of the Force. When you learn to quiet your mind, you'll hear them speaking to you."

A gentleman once said to me, concerning intelligences, that they are just waiting to be organized by a being, especially one with a body. Now, I know of no doctrine that completely condones this, however, with the knowledge that Satan, as a spirit being, had intelligences and light of truth, and that we too have them. God the Father especially has them. Then it is a likely hood that the intelligence's will is, "Use us" or "Give us purpose".

Again, it is important to note that intelligences are not the Holy Ghost, for the Spirit of God tells us good things to do. Yet, the Force can be used for evil and darkness. Thus, it is ultimately up to what the individual decides to do with the power the intelligences give them.
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The midichlorians are described by Qui Gon as being "... a microscopic life-form that reside within all living cells and communicates with the Force." (Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace)

Now, as far as I know, we do not have midichlorians, thus the statement about them being "within all living cells" is false. However, this misunderstanding could be due to their presence withing all beings within the Star Wars Galaxy. Thus, every cell ever tested by the Jedi or Sith would have the midichlorians. It is almost as thought they spread like bacteria, a contagion throughout their galaxy.

Now, these midichlorians are also mentioned to be a means of Anakin Skywalker's unusual birth. "It was possible that he was conceived by the midichlorians." (Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace) This means that the midichlorians have DNA, like most single celled organisms, though they reside inside of cells.

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This bears striking resemblance to mitochondria, which are "organelles" that many scientists theorize were single celled organisms that developed into perfect symbiosis with most living cells. These, too, have DNA.
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However, as far as science has discovered, mitochondria's main purpose is breaking down bonds to create usable energy for the cell in which it resides. Though, there are other organelles that single celled organisms can have. For example, the magnetospirillum has organelles called magnetosomes. These organelles respond to magnetic polarity, like a built in compass.

In a similar fashion, midichlorians closely resemble mitochondria but with some kind of organelle that responds to, or can sense, the intelligences or light of truth. It is with these organisms that people in the Star Wars galaxy are able to communicate and use The Force. The more midichlorians the individual has, for example Yoda or Anakin, the stronger they can use The Force. Though, because cells can replicate, even midichlorians, then an individual can grow more midichlorians, or higher percentages, within the cells. Thus, not only are they becoming more experienced with using the force, their power and ability to influence it increases.

Finally, though we, in the Milky Way galaxy or simply on Earth, do not have midichlorians, we can still feel the light of truth, or the light of Christ with our spirits. This may not enable us to be Force users, but we are able to discern truth and grown in knowledge. Consider the this gift from God as a test to determine what kind of person you will be, good or evil. Then, when this trial is over, we will receive according to that which we have embraced. Be wise in your decisions.

As always, feel free to leave any comments, ideas, or criticism below.


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