Dear Readers,
To further my own personal education, in this case mostly informal, I have been watching several science videos on Youtube. Some of my favorites are by Brian Greene. I know he got some criticism on Big Bang Theory, but I am a firm believer in John Taylor's saying, "It is true intelligence for a man to take a subject that is mysterious and great in itself and to unfold and simplify it so that a child can understand it." By this definition of intelligence, I do believe that Greene is trying to be intelligent, and we can benefit from it. In return, I am trying to explain my ideas as "intelligently" as I can.
Anyway, this brings me possible ways to prove the scriptures and that spirits do exist. Now, I am going to try to explain it as best I can in roughly the same manner it was explained to me.
First up is time. Now, we are all generally familiar with the concept of space, up-down (Y), left-right (X), forward-back (Z). However, most of us do not think about the fourth "dimension" or coordinate of time.
The application of this coordinate was quite exemplified by the character Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory. He determined that the first moment he sat down on his "spot" on the couch it became the 0 coordinate on his time spectrum. From then on, his life was separated in what I call, BS (before spot) and AS (after spot). I know my acronyms might seem funny, but we have something similar today with a meridian of time. BC vs AD. Now, I am familiar with the way most of us remember BC and AD, (Before Christ, and After Death), however AD actually stands for "anno domini" which is Latin that is generally translated as "in the year of our Lord". I think it is important to point out that 1 AD is from Christ's birth to His first year of age, or usually considered that year in which He was born. There is no "year 0". There would be a zero coordinate on a graph, but there is no Year 0. For example right now as I am writing this, it is August of 2016 AD. August, being the 8th month then becomes 8/12 or 2/3 in the year of our Lord 2016. It is a decision of an entire year number 2016. Like August itself, it begins August first and ends August thirty-first. Thus, going back to our meridian of time, seconds before Christ's birth was part of 1 BC and seconds after Christ's birth was part of 1 AD. What does this have to do with anything? It was just semantics I wanted to get off of my chest.
How do we measure time, it all depends on how precise we want to be. It could be a Planck time, which is the smallest unit of time we have because it is the time it takes light to travel a Planck length which is the smallest unit of length we have. It is interesting how time is always measured from one "book end" to another. The beginning when the stop watch was first clicked to when it was clicked again at the end. I believe this is an important key element in what time is to us. Time is simply the measurement between to events. Christ's birth and now has been 2015 2/3 years, give or take a few months or days and hours due to the adjustment with the beginning of a year moved to January 1st at 12 o'clock AM.
Thus, though a Planck time is the smallest measurement of time, time itself is made of instants. Easily understood as photographs. Each of these is an instant in time, though, ironically, a photo is countless Planck times after the instant occurred because of the distance the light traveled whether it is a couple feet for a selfie, or miles away for a panorama.
So, let us pretend that we could actually capture a photo for every single one of these instants, then we lay them all out in a line. Of course, these instants are separated into "folders" or units of time: seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years. Yet, ultimately, these are all made up of instants. These are set under very specific requirements.
Because science has proved that time is relative usually in correlation to the speed of light. It is interesting how the speed of light is a constant speed throughout all space. The closer one approaches the speed of light, the slower time is experience and is. The slower one moves relative to the speed of light is the faster time passes. This has been proven with satellites moving quicker or slower relative to earth's rotation.
We can also see that light is affected by gravity, especially with black holes drawing in all light creating an absence of light. I will leave this here for now to address a comment from
Brian Greene in The B-Theory of Time.
He mentioned that Issac Newton came up with the universal time theory, in essence that there is one time, it is not relative, and it continues to flow unceasingly. Then he mentioned that Albert Einstein with his B-Theory of Time was the first one who had ideas of time being relative. This is not the case.
Though I honorably testify that Joseph Smith Jr. was a true prophet of God, let us pretend for a second that he was not. Under this assumption that Joseph Smith wrote the books of Abraham and Doctrine and Covenants himself, it is interesting how he talks about "...Kolob was after the manner of the Lord, according to its times and seasons in the revolutions thereof; that one revolution was a day unto the Lord, after his manner of reckoning, it being one thousand years according to the time appointed unto that whereon thou standest. This is the reckoning of the Lord's time, according to the reckoning of Kolob." (
Abraham 3:4). "In answer to the question -- Is not the reckoning of God's time, angel's time, prophet's time, and man's time, according to the planet on which they reside? I answer, Yes. But there are no angels who minister to this earth but those who do belong or have belonged to it. The angels do not reside on a planet like this earth; But they reside in the presence of God, on a globe like a sea of glass and fire, where all things for their glory are manifest, past, present, and future, and are continually before the Lord." (
Doctrine and Covenants 130:4-7).
This is almost directly correlated with how we understand time today, and with this B-Theory. According to this theory, time is set. Because someone's now could be someone else's future, those events that take place in between have to be set in time. Thus, if all time is set, all time could be continually "before the Lord". This would also explain how God, knows the end from the beginning (
Abraham 2:8). Also, that time is relative to every "planet" which correlates because every planet spins and travels through space as different speeds relative to the speed of light. Here on earth, we are all very close to the same time, though technically none of us are precisely experiencing the same time. We are close enough to interact. This is congruent with both the notion of time being relative to the speeds, mass, and whatever of different planets and this B-Theory.
My point is that Joseph Smith Jr. if he was a fraud, must have been as much of a genius as Albert Einstein to have written these same ideas. One could argue that Joseph Smith stole these ideas, if it were not for the fact that Joseph Smith Jr. was murdered in 1844 while Einstein was not born until 1879. Thus, literally, either one must accept that Joseph Smith was a genius of Einstein's level, or that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God and he did receive this truth from the only Being who has all knowledge and that this truth is a constant which Einstein was also inspired with.
Alien's perspective relative to speed and direction. B-Theory Video Link |
Now, another aspect of this video I care to comment on is that time is relative not only to speed but direction. Greene uses the idea of an alien, perfectly still in space on the other side of the universe and a human perfectly still in space. In an instant, they are along the same instant photograph. However, if the alien gets up and move away from the human, that alien's time instant changes to a slightly diagonal slice into the past. While if the alien moves towards the human, that instant changes to the future for that human. This seems crazy in theory, but how can we see that today?
Imagine that someone is in a room with you. Right now they are in your present instant and for the foreseeable future they will still be there with you. However, if they begin to leave, moving away, soon they will be in another room. They are no long with you, thus not in you present, and you only have memories of them, thus they only exist in your past. However, if they move towards you and re-enter the room, suddenly they are are going to join you in the future. Like a friend saying they are going to come over to your house, you know they are coming, so they exist in your future, but they are not currently in your present.
Thus, and this is why I like this concept, when two people move towards each other, they are in each other's future, until they meet in the middle. Then, at least for an instant, they share that same time. They are one in an instant frozen in time forever. Yes, this is the romantic in me...
Anyway, mathematically we find that gravity not only effects space, but time as well. This is under a similar principle as that speed vs rotation. Though we do not know for absolute surety what causes gravity, there are the theories of gravitons which most scientist believe exist. These are particles that somehow affect space and time. I do not know if they exist or not, but it is an interesting concept. However, because of the correlation between speed and time, I am leaning toward the rotation and motion creating gravity, though I do not exclude graviton particles having some correlation to it.
Gravitational waves from planets around black hole. Gravity Waves Video Link |
This was proven when scientists noticed two planets spinning around a black hole. The black holes' interaction causes gravitational waves.
Green explaining the earth's stretching in an over exaggerated visual. Gravity Waves Video Link |
Now, in theory, when these gravity waves hit the earth, they would stretch and compress the earth.
So, it came to how would we prove it? They set up lasers several miles apart. On this scale, minor shifts in distance change the light frequencies. Instead of matching up, they become inconsistent. This was proved to be the case, and we learned that gravitational waves do compress and expand space itself.
So, let us imagine the cubes of space. We have these four dimensions, XYZ with T for time just existing un-represented.
Now let us imagine this from a different perspective, from a two dimensional flat surface called the fabric of space.
Around each planet or sphere in space, there is a welt or under cone. The earth spins around the sun's cone. This reflects the earth's actual orbit mathematically.
Then the earth has its own cone or sag that the moon spins around.
This sag is actually bending those cube edges of space, compressing it around the earth. This space also transfers the waves of the gravity, again with the gravity experiment above.
Thus, I will now switch directions to the Higgs Boson. The Higgs Boson is a particle I will compare to a water droplet. It is a portion of the Higgs Field which was, for quite some time, theoretical. Higgs Field was theorized first mathematically by trying to figure out why particles have mass. The only way mass could be calculated would be if the particles are constantly passing through a substance. This substance would have to quite unique in that it does not cause any friction.
With this theory, came the problem of how to prove it. As another function of the Hadron Collider, they documented that, extremely rarely, when particles collided and their components were flung out that there was a particle that lasts barely any fraction of a second before completely disappearing. Though I may not agree that this is the best science going on here for there could be several other reasons or properties not taken into consideration, simply because we do not know to think of them, that could explain it, I do like the idea of this Higgs Field being all around us.
So, to put this another way, pretend we are trying to figure out what water is, when we are all under water. Thus we take two thing, like a submarine and a torpedo. When the two hit, there is an explosion with the particles creating a gap around a portion of the Higgs Field making a Higgs Boson, or a drop of water.
Another example is like dropping a rock into a pond. Yes, there is the wripple, but sometimes, the force causes a drop of water to rise up and become temporarily severed from the body of water only to then re-combine with the rest of the water.
This would explain why that particle disappeared because it re-constituted back into the Higgs Field.
So, if this Higgs Field exists, which as far as science has been able to determine it does, then this field spans all of space and is likely space itself, rippling and flowing. Yet, again with Joseph Smith: "Which light proceedeth forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space--" (
Doctrine and Covenants 88:12). Though it is not visibly seen as light, it is a substance that fills the immensity of space.
With Einstein's theories, the math words with gravity effecting all three dimensions of space as well as time, but there is something that is not explained by using these known dimensions. That is electromagnetism. For the math to work with electromagnetism, there is required a fourth, or if time is counted, fifth dimension.
Obviously, we cannot see this dimension, but its existence is the only way we can make sense of this electromagnetism. Now, I would like to point out my theories in magnetism, with a positive and negative pull which I talked about in my
Gender post. Yet, to sum up, it was my theory that positive and negative polarization is caused by feminine or masculine intelligences on the other side of the veil. This veil could be considered the difference between our 3rd dimension and the 4th dimension.
Now, Brian Greene and other Theoretical Physisists are looking for this fourth dimension as tiny dimensions curled up microscopically.
This would be the equivalent of having an XY graph, only the lines themselves, not taking up any distance left or right, were actually straws, hollow on the inside. The dimensional difference would be so tiny that we could not see it.
Futurama Season 7 Episode 5 "2-D Blacktop" Clip Link |
However, I disagree with this concept. As with the
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions idea from Edwin Abbott Abbot, a true 4th dimension would not fit this criteria. In a 2D (two dimensional) plane, a being would only see lines, maybe colored lines, but still lines. However, that same world seen from a 3D perspective, the 3D individual would be able to see inside of the 2D beings. Like seeing the inside of a circle, or seeing the unborn chick in this 2D egg from Futurama.
What I really enjoyed about this episode of Futurama was how they explained how a 2D organism would live. They could not have a digestive system like ours, because it would split them in half.
So they would have to eat like a microscopic organism creating a membrane around the object, break it down, and then transplant the nutrients.
Now, say, if a sphere were to enter Flatland, the inhabitants would only be able to see a line that suddenly grows and then shrinks as the sphere passes through layer by layer until it is gone. To the inhabitants, it would be a very strange phenomenon that none of them could explain.
So, in comparison, what would be a 4th dimension to us? The fourth dimension would be able to see inside of our bodies. What we could see from its interaction would be limited and confusing, like something appearing and disappearing.
This reminds me so much of the spirit world. The spirit world is all around us (
Gospel Principles Chapter 41). Spirit can exist within us, around us, pass through us. "...for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart." (
1 Samuel 16:7).
Then we have ghosts, spirits appearing and disappearing and manifesting in any number of peculiar ways.
It seems to me that the spirit world meets quite well the criteria for a proper fourth dimension. If this is the case, then those positive and negative (masculine and feminine) charges would indeed be from intelligences from the spirit world.
This would explain why strong electromagnetic fields can cause sickness in some people, disrupting their connection with their own spirits. It would explain how and why our brains have their own bio-electrical field.
This would explain why ghost are known for manifesting in strange electromagnetic fields, as expressed in Ghosthunters.
This would explain why electronic devices are often correlated with other ghostly manifestations like EVP (electronic voice phenomenon).
Really, the spirit world being the 4th dimension would explain so much about science and in essence, prove scientifically that there is an afterlife. However, most scientists seem to be atheists and thus almost immediately dismiss ideas such as this. So, I am sharing with you my beliefs in the hope that you ponder these things out for yourselves. As always, I am happy to read any comments you might have.