Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Armor of God: Breastplate of Righteousness

Dear Readers,

There is some hesitation with me, for fear of being too redundant with these posts, but it is difficult not to go through different articles of armor without redundancy. That being said, let us begin with the medieval.
Balthasar Cuirass from Medieval Collectibles
The medieval breastplate is called a cuirass, and is made to protect the vital organs withing the chest and abdomen. I thought it was interesting how similar the word cuirass is to carapace. A carapace is the hard outer shell of a turtle, crustacean, or arachnid. Essentially it is the densest part of the exoskeleton. It seems quite fitting that the hard metal shell of a breastplate be compared to the hard protective shell of a turtle.
Image Link
Besides these artificial exoskeletons, human have their own internal breastplate we call a rib cage. This thoracic cage helps to protect the lungs, heart and other organs of the chest cavity. However, there are the "chinks" in the armor between the ribs. Sadly, Satan tries to get at us through these kinks in our "natural" state, metaphorically speaking. Which is why we have to do our part to protect ourselves with righteousness.
Though a medieval cuirass is likely the most popular version of the breastplate of righteousness we see illustrated, Paul likely had the Roman breastplate in mind when he spoke about the armor of God (Ephesians 6:14). These breastplates have various names including muscle cuirass, anatomical cuirass, or heroic cuirass. Clearly there is the hint of Greek influence because of the use of muscular architecture in the armor. It is intriguing how righteousness can be like a muscle. Every day one has to work and labor to get righteous, and stay righteous, otherwise progression stops, muscles atrophy and spiritual strength is lost.
George Clooney in Batman & Robin
Now, what is most hilarious is what I would classify under the "anatomical cuirass" title: the use of nipples on the armor. I realize that it has been a clever slogan because of the humor found in Batman & Robin, but I cannot see armor like this without thinking, "Holy Bat-Nipples, Batman". Just remember Batman's armor and suit when thinking about the armor of God... (raspy voice) "I'm not wearing hockey pads... I'm wearing the armor of God!" Alas, jokes aside, there is a more spiritual breastplate to talk about now.
The Alchemist 6: Urim and Thummim by Blu3berrystar from Deviantart.com
It is likely that the breastplate of judgment was the kind of breastplate that Isaiah was referring to in his use of the armor of God (Isaiah 59:17) for he lived long before the Roman invasion of Israel. This breastplate of judgment had various gem stones (Exodus 28:17-20), each representing one of the twelve tribes of Israel (Guide to the Scriptures: Twelve Tribes of Israel).
Image Link
These breastplates of Israel were a sheet of metal, gold for the breastplate of judgment in the temple, and would only cover the front of the individual. I have mentioned how the rectangular shape of the breastplate of judgment is similar to those found in the eastern American Indian ruins in my post about the Geography of the Book of Mormon. However, the shape and intricacy of the breastplate of judgment had another purpose.

"And thou shalt put in the breastplate of judgment the Urim and Thummim; and they shall be upon Aaron's heart, when he goeth in before the Lord: and Aaron shall bear the judgment of the children of Israel upon his heart before the Lord continually." (Exodus 28:30) The breastplate of judgment was made to support the Urim and Thummim.
Joseph Smith Urim and Thummim Illustration by Robert T. Barrett
Bible Dictionary defines the Urim and Thummim as a "Hebrew term that means 'Lights and Perfections." An instrument prepared of God to assist man in obtaining revelation from the Lord and in translating languages... There is more than one Urim and Thummim, but we are informed that Joseph Smith had the one used by the brother of Jared." There is a partial description given by Joseph Smith in his history 1:35, "Also, that there were two stones in silver bows-- and these stones, fastened to a breastplate, constituted what is called the Urim and Thummim--deposited with the plates; and the possession and use of these stones were what constituted 'seers' in ancient and former times; and that God had prepared them for the purpose of translating the book."
Image from "Are crystals and gems used in the bible" blog post by Thesoulintention
Surprisingly, I found that Jewish tradition has one of these stones white, and the other black. As I mentioned in my post about Light, that the color of white is produced by all of the spectrum of visible light reflecting off the object, and made a correlation between light and knowledge and intelligence. Thus it is fitting that a white stone represents complete light for the "complete" light that we can see is being reflected to the viewer. It is also amazing how complete truth is represented by a black stone, which absorbs all the visible spectrum of light. It holds it all, it contains it all. All truth, things as they were, and as they are, and as they are to come (Doctrine and Covenants 93:24).
Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith The Prophet and His Progenitors for Many Generations by Lucy Smith page 101
My portrayal of the combination of both types of Urim and Thummim described.
Yet, if the Urim and Thummim were comprised of these stones, why have this gift of God been described so similar to spectacles or glasses? Based off of Lucy Smith's eye witness account, they were triangular diamonds set in glass, but to remember, this was the Urim and Thummim that the Brother of Jared used and thus was from before Abraham's time, for the Jaredites fled the eastern world to the Americas at the time of the tower of Babel and the confounding of languages (Guide to the Scriptures: Jared, Brother of). Wherefore, it was before Israel's day and thereby before the law of Moses and the use of the tabernacle, and thus it was likely that there would be some superficial differences between the two Urim and Thummim.
Spectacles from Nation Treasure
Most intriguing of all was this depiction that reminded me of the spectacles from National Treasure, of why the triangular shapes are alternating. With an overlay, it makes the star of David, also with hints of temple significance.
Why is all of this information about the breastplate of judgment and the Urim and Thummim so important to mention? Using the breastplate of judgment as a symbol of the breastplate of righteousness, we can see that not only does righteousness help protect us from the attacks of Satan, but it also supports and enables communication with our Father in Heaven. For it was by a Urim and Thummim that Abraham talked with God (Abraham 3:1,4). Though it is true that we can never be so sinful that we become unworthy to pray to God (Richard G. Scott "Using the Supernal Gift of Prayer"), we can become hardened beyond feeling His answers, which usually come in the form of the Holy Ghost and He cannot dwell with those that are unrighteous (Dalin H. Oaks "Spiritual Gifts", Robert D. Hales "Gifts of the Spirit", Larry Y. Wilson "Only upon the Principles of Righteousness").

If righteousness is so important, what is it? Righteousness is defined in the scriptures as "Being just, holy, virtuous, upright; acting in obedience to God's commands; avoiding sin."
Being "just" has roots in "justice". Like the scales of justice, we have to be honest with out dealings with those around us, and with ourselves. It also means that if we do something wrong, then we understand and are prepared to pay the penalty (Guide to the Scriptures: Justice).

"Holy" is like "godliness" and "purity" (Guide to the Scriptures: Holy). We have to strive to become more like our Savior Jesus Christ. For He is, was, and ever shall be Holy, and by so being has given us an example of how to live a "holy" life.

"Virtue" is usually considered behavior showing high moral standards (Guide to the Scriptures: Virtue), but with the roots in Latin it has a connotation towards manliness and strength. Ultimately it comes down to worthiness. A warrior worth having in the army would be considered virtuous because they would be able to fulfill their purpose (Biblestudytools). Now days we think of "virtue" in a more feminine manner, like a virtuous woman. As I said, a virtuous woman is a worthy woman, because she is conducting her actions, her body, and herself in a way in which she can fulfill her purpose in God's grand design. There is no reason why these uses of "virtue" need to be separated, for men should be as virtuous in their behavior as women.
Now, upright is an interesting element of righteousness. Like standing upright, it implies that one is not burdened by shame, or guilt of un-repented sins. It also symbolizes standing up for what is right. Not being ashamed of being the "goody-two-shoes" but also not flaunting it as though one is superior because of it. They are simply being on the side of truth and honor for chivalry's sake.

It may not always be easy to keep the commandments of God, but they are divinely given to help free and strengthen those who would obey. Also, by keeping a commandment, it qualifies one to receive the blessings associated with it, for every blessing is given because of obedience to the law it is predicated upon (Doctrine and Covenants 130:20-21).

Lastly, we can be righteous by avoiding sin. As I mentioned in the previous post about having Loins Girt about by Truth, sin is an archery term for missing the mark. To avoid missing the mark, it means that we are aiming for the "bull's eye", or center of the target. To do this, one has to have an eye single to the task at hand, in this case, it is having an eye single to the glory of God (Doctrine and Covenants 55:1), and one has to be skilled with the bow, weapon or instrument being used. What are our instruments in severing the glory of God, (which is sharing the gospel and helping those around us to return to God [Moses 1:39])? The instruments of God's work vary as much as His children vary. I have not been that proficient in speaking, but I love to write, and thus this blog itself is one of my instruments that I use to help other's come unto Him.

I encourage you to seek out your gifts, talents, and passions and see how you can use them to glorify God.

How do these elements of righteousness strengthen, protect, and enable us to come closer to God? If we realize the punishments affixed to His commandments, we are more likely to obey them, and therefore qualify for His blessings in our lives. We become a tool that fulfill's the purpose of its creation, someone God can count on to heed spiritual promptings and act. It becomes an armor to us, as we stand firm, glistening, polished, untainted by the rust and decay of sin. Our bodies become reciprocals of truth and knowledge, our minds of godliness and humility, and our spirits of purity and power.

Alas, true righteousness may never be achieved in this life, for we all sin, we all have tarnished the armor God has given us. However, our short comings do not remove us from being among the righteous, for the righteous are those who try to have righteousness. Indeed, it is because we are not perfect, it is because of our weaknesses and gaps in our metaphorical ribs of protection that God has given us the ability to choose righteousness and overcome those weaknesses. Our armor may be blemished, it may be worn from use or lack thereof, it may be broken or even temporarily removed and put aside. Wherefore I have this hope, that we all may become more righteous. Whether that is trying to put the armor back on or for the first time, repairing it, or simply polishing it, we can all do better. It may take time, and will not be easy, but I testify that the blessings of coming closer to God by feeling of His Spirit more abundantly, and having more resistance to the evils and whiles of this world, is well worth the effort.


Previous: Loins Girt about by Truth                                                               Next: Feet Shod

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Laws vs Commandments

Dear Readers,

In my institute class, an interesting subject came up: the difference between the Laws of God and the Commandments of God. the example in class was Doctrine and Covenants 38:32 "Wherefore, for this cause I gave unto you the commandment that ye should go to the Ohio; and there I will give unto you my law; and there you shall be endowed with power from on high;"
Kirtland, Ohio Temple
The commandment was a temporary action, for we are not all commanded to live in Ohio, but the laws given in the Kirtland, Ohio Temple (Law of Chastity, Law of Consecration, et cetera) are lasting laws.

From this we see that commandments are God's instructions for us to help us live His laws. For example: Noah was commanded to build an ark (Genesis 6:22), but we aren't all commanded to build arks. It was direction from God to His Prophet as to how to help the people keep His laws. In this case, it was simply living and keeping humans on the face of the earth and have animals so they could live the law of sacrifice.
Moses with the 10 Commandments from Mel Brooks' History of the World Part 1
Wherefore comes the question of the ten commandments found in Exodus 20.
1: Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.
2: Thou shalt not make unto thee graven images to serve and worship.
3: Thou shalt not take the name of God in vain.
4: Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
5: Honor thy father and thy mother.
6: Thou shalt not kill.
7: Thou shalt not commit adultery.
8: Thou shalt not steal.
9: Thou shalt not bear false witness.
10: Thou shalt not covet.

What are these commandments there to help the people with? There is the obvious case of morality, but also to help them keep the Law of Moses. For those who are not aware, the Law of Moses consisted of rites, rituals, and rules to govern ancient Israel. They were God's lesser law to help prepare the minds and hearts of the people to accept their Messiah, Jesus Christ. In one perspective, the Law of Moses was the letter of the law, sacrificing animals in remembrance of the Passover and as atonements for the sins of the people, but it was nothing without the spirit of the law: loving God, honoring parents, refraining form murder, adultery, lies, et cetera. These commandments were set in place to help the children of Israel keep the Law of Moses not only in letter, but to help them understand and prepare for the higher law.

In a similar way, I would compare this to police officers. There are laws that we may break, like speeding. Yet, it is just as important to heed the officer's warning and instructions (the commandments). If an officer pulls you over, you pull over. If they ask to see your identification and proof of insurance, you show them. If they ask you to roll down your window, or get out of the car and put your hands behind your back, you comply. They are giving you commandments you should keep or do to help them make sure you are living the law and thereby staying safe.

It is wonderful to know that God's commandments help us live His laws, and by so doing, help to keep us safe and prepare ourselves to return to Him. Not only has discovering this helped me to have increased dedication to keeping his laws and commandments, but also those of the laws of the land. Let me know your thoughts on this subject by leaving a comment.


Campus Rape Culture

Dear Readers,

I have been troubled by this subject for quite some time. I have heard various views, and many anecdotal accounts. After weighing the evidence presented, it seems as though I must confess that there is a "rape culture" on many university campuses throughout the U.S. Living in Arizona, I have heard a few about some universities here. These cases presented to me are anecdotal at best, because the victims were able to fend off the aggressors part to midway through the act, thus leaving no DNA evidence. Therefore any accusations would become a "he said, she said" conversation.

Though these atrocities sicken me, it wasn't until I watched this video by Steven Crowder that I began putting more of the pieces together. Though it was supposed to be a conversation about "Male Privilege" it became a testimony about this rape culture.
Now, I do not think that rape culture is systemic, for I have not had to try to prove to the system any guilt or innocence for such a crime, it does appear that there are holes in the system. Putting that aside for now, I would like to address the culture. The culture on campus is made up by the people who attend it.

With the growing trends of relativism, true morals are not being taught in homes. Broken homes and broken lives are becoming the new normal, and it is proving to be a plague on society. Without parents who teach their children morality, usually through Christian based religion, standards for right and wrong, good and evil, are either convoluted, uncertain, dismissed or actively ignored. This is literally what the Prophets and Apostles warned about in The Family: A Proclamation to the World, "WE WARN that individuals who violate covenants of chastity, who abuse spouse or offspring, or who fail to fulfill family responsibilities will one day stand accountable before God. Further, we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets."

As Steven said in the video, "Wouldn't it be great if men didn't rape." Rape, like all actions, starts with a thought. A thought that is either indulged or dismissed before it becomes the action. The great deciding factor is the morality of the individual. Especially when alcohol at parties is involved, which lowers inhibitions and therefore the morality of the individual, it fuels the setting for weak willed men to perform abominable acts. Saying the excuse, "they only did it because they were drunk" is beyond ridiculous, for they still chose to get drunk. Intoxication does not justify their actions.

Thus, with the alcoholic parties and general lack of morality among those attending most colleges, there does seem to be a rape culture. As Paul Joseph Watson often says, "Some cultures are better than others." (Some Cultures are Better than Others) and I think that everyone agrees that a rape culture is not a good culture to have. However, shouldn't the system help to stop these rampant crimes? As ironic as this may be to say, it seems as though the Social Justice Warrior movement has helped enable this culture. Most women, who are decent individuals, do not want to be labeled as victims. They do not want to have to hide in safe spaces. They want to be strong, and keep moving forward with their lives. This leads to many rapes, especially those interrupted, to go unreported. For those reported, the system requires evidence, usually in the form of DNA and an exceptionally invasive investigation to determine guilt.

This has lead to many feminists demanding that all women who claim rape should be believed automatically. However, there are many times that some women use the term "rape" merely to slander a man's name. Thus, in order to maintain justice between both sexes, there must be some protection for men from having their names slandered.

Ever more making matters worse, is the increasing fogginess of what rape actually is. For most of us, we know that it is when a man forcefully penetrates his penis into a woman's vagina or another person's orifice (to include sodomic rape against men) without consent. However, often times sexual assaults like grabbing a woman's breast or genitals have been treated synonymous with rape. Even with the "me too" movement, it has been demonstrated that minor things as unwanted flirtation and "cat calling" can be escalated to sexual assault and rape equivalency.

All of this belittles actual crimes of rape and makes it harder for rapists to be properly tried and brought to justice. Unless the very country itself, primarily within the home, doesn't improve moral standards; no laws, no rules, no regulations could ever fix this trend and rampant plague in our society. The only antidote would be a return to values, a return to morals, and a return to God.

I realize there may be those who disagree with what I have said, and others who share their support. I hope that we can at least be united on the common ground that rape is evil and horrible. Please comment, because I want to continue to hear both sides and see if we can come up with more ideas on how to potentially remedy this problem.


Cars Resurrection

Dear Readers,

I was watching the Cars movies, and afterwords had some interesting thoughts while in the shower. In a way, this Pixar world that was created gives a somewhat interesting and also horrifying insight into our lives here in mortality.
Lightning McQueen being trained by Cruz Ramirez in Cars 3
It is fairly obvious that the Cars are living automobiles or machines, but what I did not realize until watching the third movie is that they cannot see inside themselves. As most of us know, vehicles have speedometers so that as a driver, we can keep track of how fast we are going, usually because of speed limits. However, there is surprising emphasis in Cars 3 of Cruz Ramirez (McQueen's trainer) having to keep up with him in-order to scan his speed. This means that Lightning McQueen was unable to see the speedometer inside of himself, much like how a human needs a pedometer to keep track of the number of steps they take.

With this realization, I began thinking that if a car from our world was moved into this Cars Pixar world, it would be dead. No life in it like the other cars. Yet, if a human were to be there as well and drive the car, it would be a dead car, able to move. Essentially, this would make humans a parasite that reanimates a car's corpse.

This got me thinking of the Chevron with Techron commercials from years ago. In this world, living cars and people get along, in a true symbiotic relationship.

Looking at things from a more spiritual perspective, it is like a human is the spirit of the car, while the car itself is the body. While in mortality, our spirits drive around our bodies, making them seem alive. One day the driver will leave, and the car will be dead. While the Chevron with Techron world could be compared more to those who are transfigured like John the Beloved (Doctrine and Covenants 7). Loosely, they are alive as immortals, but will one day be changed in the twinkling of an eye, a transition equal to death, from this state into true immortality (3 Nephi 28:8). The fully living cars in Cars 1-3 are those who have the spirit and the body inseparably connected like a resurrected car/person.
Lizzie next to a memorial of her husband Stanley from Cars
Though, in this Pixar world, it is not a true comparison, for these cars still pass away. With Lizzie missing her husband Stanley, and others succumbing to rust as a disease, it is clear that though it could be compared with the resurrection it is far from the perfect state it would actually be.

Anyway, these were my interesting thoughts about Cars and the Gospel. I hope that you enjoyed them!


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Armor of God: Loins girt about by truth

Dear Readers,

I have been impressed upon to make an armor of God series. The biggest question for me was: where to start? My first instinct was head to feet. Even now as I write this my mind recalls the Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes song I learned in Primary (Sunday school for children between ages 2 and 11).

However, it has been pointed out to me that the order as set forth in the scriptures has a twofold emphasis. First and most obvious is the scripture contain how the Lord wants the order to go. Second is that the order is similar to how one would actively dawn the armor.

First: loins are girt by truth. This is like putting on one's pants and securing them with a belt.

Second: breastplate of righteousness. For those who don't wear the shirts tucked in, it makes sense that the shirt would go on after pants,

Third: feet sod with preparation. Once you are "dressed" one puts on their shoes so they can walk around.

Fourth: shield of faith. To see clearly and be nimble enough to make sure the straps of the shield are secured on the arm, unobscured vision and a free arm are optimal.

Fifth: helmet of salvation. With one arm secured by a shield, one would need their free arm to place the helm upon their head.

Sixth: sword of the Spirit. Having dawned all of the armor and having one free hand remaining, it clasps and draws the sword, completing the set.

(Ephesians 6:13-17, Doctrine and Covenants 27:15-18)

Now, there are two more that are only found in the account in Isaiah 59: The garments of vengeance and the cloak of zeal. For me, in the King James Version, it is important that there is a semicolon separating these two from the rest of the armor (Isaiah 59:17).
Image Link
For those aware of the anti-suicide trend of getting semicolon tattoos, the semicolon represents an artistic and literary choice. It separates complete thoughts and could be interchanged with a period, but the writer chose not to end, but continue on.

Thus, in the context of this scripture we can see that these two are separate from the rest but the author, or rather the translator or scribe chose to bring these together. As for me, it appears as though Isaiah is talking about the Messiah and distinguishes between the armor that all of us can put on, and the armor Christ has.

Romans 12:19 "Vengeance is mine... saith the Lord..." If the garments of vengeance are His, then it leads that the cloak of zeal is also His. It is interesting though, for garments or clothing would go on before the belt and the cloak or cape after the armor is complete. Thus also hinting that Christ is the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last, Alpha and Omega.

Therefore, in concurrence with scripture, I will be saving those for last, separate from the others that we are encouraged to wear.

This brings me to this first article of clothing and armor: Loins girt about by truth.

Gird Up Your Loins Image Link
There is an ancient Israel saying of "gird up your loins". To understand this properly one has to realize how the people dressed back in those days. The clothing of a male in ancient Israel was a robe, similar to a dress, that end a few inches above the ankle. As one would imaging, this style of clothing poses some restrictions in movement. Thus, if there was a hard or strenuous labor to perform, a man would reach down between his legs and grab the back part of the bottom hem. Pulling the fabric up, kind of like a diaper, he would then stuff or fold it into his belt, sash, or girdle. Wherefore, "gird up your loins" signifies preparing to embark in a mighty work.
Duckster's medieval knight armor parts, edited to include "faulds" original Image Link
What better example of mighty work than a life or death battle. In my own mind, usually I think of armor as that of medieval knights, clad in shining armor. Their armor included faulds which are two leaf like sheets of metal that over lap slightly, proving protection primarily to the thighs, but also the groin.
Romans in Britain Image Link
Yet it is more likely that when this armor of God was recounted in Ephesians by Paul, a Roman citizen, that he had the centurions in mind. The roman balteus or belt, has a fibula or buckle to hold them up, and baltea covered in bulla (metal studs) to protect the loins. It also has pugio which are suspension rings to attach a scabbard.
Kult of Athena Image Link
With these parts, the balteus serves to secure the tunic down to the body providing relative modesty and provides armor like protection to a vital vulnerable area as well as support to carry the sword in the scabbard. It is important it is to protect one's groin, not only because of the tenderness of testicles for men, but primarily because of the femoral artery and the external iliac vein. With one of these blood vessels punctured, an individual can bleed out in minutes.

Beyond the practical sense of physical armor, there is the doctrine it alludes to. In the case of this covering, a connection can be drawn to modesty and therefore chastity. With modest attire, we cover our nakedness, which God Himself referenced when he gave Adam and Eve coats of skins (Genesis 3:21). Today, for endowed members of the LDS church, we were a temple garment for a similar reason. It serves as a standard of modesty as well as a reminder of the covenants we made in the temple. Though the garment length has changed in these latter days, from those of long-johns to more knee length, it is important to note that it has not digressed further than the "linen breeches" the sons of Aaron would wear while in the tabernacle of ancient Israel (Exodus 28:42), in order to accommodate the ever changing modern styles.

Some may wonder why modesty is important. From the social aspect, our appearance is often how others judge us. It can also be an expression on how we see ourselves. God wants us to esteem ourselves and our bodies as something worth protecting, worth honoring, and worth sharing only with someone that would treat our bodies with equal amount of care and respect. This is not to say that judging people for how they dress is okay. Usually, the only person that I hold up to my standards is me. One most notable standard I have for myself is that I don't remove my shirt to swim. Of course there are exceptions like employers having standards for their employees, and when choosing friends and a spouse, but generally standards should come from one's own morals for one's own behavior.

Alas, this brings us to the most sexual of the ten commandments: Thou shalt not commit adultery (Exodus 20:14). Even though adultery is breaking a marriage covenant by having sexual relations with someone that is not their spouse, it was used synonymously with fornication as more emphasized in the New Testament (Matthew 5:32). With these two terms together, it seemed to cover the bases of refraining from premarital sex (fornication) and keeping faithful to one's spouse after marriage (adultery). Nevertheless, Christ holds us to an even higher standard: refraining from sexual thoughts. For he that looketh upon a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery in his heart (Matthew 5:27-28).

I understand that refraining from lustful thoughts is difficult. As a twenty-four year old young man I have had many. Yet there is a blessing in this, for it is far easier to repent of the thought than the action, for more often than not, the act of adultery or fornication can have life changing consequences. Some of which are STD's (sexually transmitted diseases), breaking apart marriages and homes, and even creating a life.

Though homosexual and lesbianic relationships can be based in love, these too violate God's laws as found in Leviticus (18:22). There is a saying that we don't choose who we fall in love with, and that is true. Indeed we are commanded to love all people even as we love ourselves (Mark 12:31). What we can choose is our actions, who we physically express that love towards, and in what manner. The church refuses none, including those who struggle with homosexuality from all the blessings God has to offer. Yet it holds to its standards, God's standards, as declared in The Family: A Proclamation to the World, "We further declare that God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife."

Though it is true that sin is missing the mark, and that God is love, it is incorrect to assume that having love for another human being and expressing it sexually is automatically accepted of Him. The second great commandment is to love thy neighbor as thyself (Mark 12:31), in this practicing homosexuals hit the mark and do not sin. Where they do sin is the first great commandment to love God with all their heart, might, mind, and soul (Mark 12:30). For, though they may love God, Christ's words are irrefutable, "if ye love me, keep my commandments." (John 14:15) Having love and expressing love are very different.

To help expand an explain this law, the Doctrine and Covenants includes "or anything like unto it" while speaking of adultery (Doctrine and Covenants 59:6). Not only are lustful thoughts extensions of this law, but all sexual behavior outside of a legal and lawful marriage between a man and a woman. This is why the plague of pornography is such a terrible blight. It can trigger lustful thoughts and lead to self indulgent actions under the promise of no consequences. The lies of not hurting anyone is far from the truth. Masturbation is abuse of the soul (Elder Jeffrey R. Holland "Personal Purity", Teachings of the Presidents:Spencer W. Kimball Chapter 17: The Law of Chastity). The chemicals released in the brain, such as oxytocin, form a bond or connection, and when an individual is connected to something not real in such a powerful way, it leaves sadness, emptiness and un-fulfillment. Also, the exposure to intimate parts of strangers cheapens the experience of sexual intimacy with one's soul mate. It can lead to unrealistic expectations and a constant comparison that can lead the way to darkness and loneliness.

For this cause, we have a document called, For the Strength of Youth which addresses modesty and sexual purity including the standards and advice of: "Your body is sacred. Respect it and do not defile it in any way. Through your dress and appearance, you can show that you know how precious your body is... When you are well groomed and modestly dressed, you invite the companionship of the Spirit and you can be a good influence on others. Your dress and grooming influence the way you and others act. Never lower your standards of dress. Do not use a special occasion as an excuse to be immodest. When you dress immodestly, you send a message that is contrary to your identity as a son or daughter of God. You also send the message that you are using your body to get attention and approval." (Dress and Appearance). "Physical intimacy between husband and wife is beautiful and sacred. It is ordained of God for the creation of children and for the expression of love between husband and wife... Treat others with respect, not as objects used to satisfy lustful and selfish desires. Before marriage, do not participate in passionate kissing, lie on top of another person, or touch the private, sacred parts of another person's body, with or without clothing." (Sexual Purity).

Not only is simply lying upon the body of another person part of chastity, but there are other intimacies other than sexual that should be reserved to spouses and families. As a missionary, there were a few times that it was difficult explaining to an unmarried couple that they either have to get married or live separately before they can get baptized. Of course there is the clear reason that cohabitation is a violation of the law of chastity because they are living together they have increased opportunities to fornicate (Elder Dallin H. Oaks "Love and Law"). However, the argument is also clear that as two adults, it doesn't matter where they live, if they want to have sex they can find a way. This lead me to ponder and soul search in prayer to discover why this standard is in place. It seems as though there are intimacies and intimate circumstancing that occurs within the walls of a home that God reserves for married couples and rearing a family.

I know of an individual that once said that the standards of the church are too strict, that all kids and young adults masturbate and experiment sexually, and by requiring abstinence and sexual purity the church places them into a position where it is most beneficial to lie. The truth is that it is insulting and disrespectful to say that we as human beings cannot control our sexual urges, whether as youth or as adults.

However, there is a valid argument hidden within this bleak view of humanity. There are few sins that God has labeled in degrees of abhorrence and unforgivably. They are: adultery, murder, and denying the Holy Ghost. The obvious reason is that adultery can lead to the creation of a life, something that cannot be undone with committing a worse sin of murder and can be incredibly emotional and taxing during the repentance process either giving up the child or raising it as a couple or alone as a single parent. The more concealed reason includes the many other ways the sin is committed. Lies and deceit follow this sin like flies on a corpse. Peace of mind is lost, always wondering when and where secrets will be discovered. It includes spending time and hard earned money on pornography and prostitutes. It includes the violence of rape.

In essence, yes, sexual sins place individuals in a position to lie, but if they have committed such sins, telling the truth is the only way to heal, to work on and fully repent of the sin. Indeed, truth is the way to set them free.

No wonder God has said that we need to have our loins girt about by truth. As with the roman balteus, truth protects us from the effects of sexual sins. It is has to be tailored to each individual, for the standards of sexual purity, modesty, and abstinence have to be yours otherwise there are a plethora of ways to be sorely smitten. Then, greatest of all, it is required to hold and house the sword of the Spirit. I am not saying that it is required to use or feel the Holy Ghost, but having a clean and worthy vesicle to house the Spirit of God is the only way for the power of God to be fully and completely flowing and unhindered in your life.

Alas, there is one last question to ask: what is truth?

Eternal truth, God's truth, things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come (Doctrine and Covenants 93:24). This is the truth that is relevant. This is the truth that sets you free. Actions committed, thoughts indulged, and all the wonderful doctrines, laws and miracles of God.

Truth has also been compared to light. As with Elder Bednar's (A member of the quantum of the twelve apostles) videos on Patterns of Light, revelation can come like light and warmth. Intelligence, or the light of truth, cannot be created or made (Doctrine and Covenants 93:29). As illustrated in cartoons, a light-bulb over an individual's head represents their getting a good, or "bright" idea. I have felt this feeling before. It is pleasant and exciting. It is a moment of pure revelation. Truths and ideas flowing into one's mind like flicking a switch. It doesn't happen often, indeed usually knowledge and wisdom is gained gradually, from experimenting, and repeated confirmations from the Spirit of God with our spirits. Some things it takes years to learn, others lifetimes. And yet, truth is still truth.

Too often, people rely on their own subjective truth. Moral relativism is one of the largest growing fads. Though I am intrigued by the "truths" of different religions, of political views, philosophies and of lifestyles; I have seen that there are real, pure and undeniable truths out there. In my darkest of times, I have felt so alone. In the physical world around me, I was alone. In my heart and mind, I was alone. And yet, I knew there is an irrevocable truth, there is a God. With this truth it brings a new meaning to my cries alone in the dark, "Where are you?! Why am I so alone?! Why can't I feel you there?!" It's not because He wasn't there. It's not because He doesn't love me.

It is because there is something, whether circumstances, sins, or our mortal inability comprehend the greatness of God, that remains, separating us from Him and His presence. In Mormon talk we call this the spiritual death, which only through Jesus Christ, partaking of the grace and mercy of His atonement through repentance, that we can be saved from this second death.which death is the death of the spirit, being cut off from God and is an effect of The Fall as is the first death, mortal death, the death of the body.

I hope that you can see, as I do, that having our loins girt about by truth is being clean, being honest and pure, so we can be the warriors of God, even if we cannot feel Him there, we can know He is there and that He loves us.
