I felt like sharing and bearing my testimony and knowledge of the creation of this world. Though I am not sure where to begin.
We know from Moses 3:5 that everything was made spiritually before it was physically created. Now, as far as I know, and have testimony of, God is the creator of spirits (Teachings:Joseph F. Smith 37), thus He created man as spirit first (Doctrine and Covenants 93:29), so also did He create the earth. It was indeed His plan after all, and it would also make sense that he would have something visual for us to see when He shared His plan with us to be sustained (not voting upon, but signifying our allegiance to).
As we know, Christ was the first to volunteer to be the Savior in God's plan , and that Satan volunteered second to be the Savior with his own plan (Isaiah 14:12-15). God, of course, chose Christ, and Satan with his 1/3 of all of the spiritual children of God, were cast out of heaven. (Revelations 12:4, Joseph Smith Translation Revelations 12:4)
Then in Abraham 3:22-24, Abraham was shown in a vision from God through the Urim and Thummim, that we were all intelligences which were organized, and that there was one, like unto God, who is Jesus Christ, who was then called Jehovah, and said "we will go down, for there is space there, and we will take of these materials, and we will make an earth whereon these may dwell;"
Now this "we" could be Jehovah and Michael, which is at least confirmed by the teachings of the temple, but I believe that we, ourselves, even all of the children of God who kept their first estate (sustained Christ and God's plan instead of Satan and his {Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Teacher's Manual Lesson 2}) worked and helped organize and build this world, all under the direction of God through Jehovah.
As plainly described in Abraham 4:1, the earth was organized from actual materials, i.e. physical matter. Joseph Smith also added "The word create came from the [Hebrew] word baurau which does not mean to create out of nothing; it means to organize; the same as a man would organize materials and buil a ship. Hense, we infer that God had materials to organize the world our of chaos--chaotic matter" Some believe this was a nebula, in which gravity was introduced, which is indeed congruent with the teachings of the temple.
But mixed with the teachings in the institute manual about dinosaurs, we find that whatever original planet which hosted the dinosaurs was likely created from a nebula, but then pieces or even the entire thing recycled was then turned into that fundamental, void (Genesis 1:2) earth. Possibly, and this is my opinion based upon the truths that I know, that the initial gravity that condensed the nebula was likely this planet, that is why there is so many layers of dirt and stone upon the fossils of the dinosaurs. Thus there are the fossilized remnant of dinosaurs that date back millions of years which are also buried in the earth, and yet this was all done before the first day of God's 7 day creation. Also, should this be the case, it would also explain why the dinosaurs grew to such large heights. A smaller planet, indeed part of our own, would have a lighter gravity, thus the animals could physically grow larger. Kind of the same phenomenon as portrayed in James Cameron's Avatar.
Now we have the basic planet structure by this nebula birth and recycling, with the heavier, solid matter below, liquid in the middle, and the gasses on top. For there was darkness on this planet structure and the Spirit of God (Holy Ghost) went forth upon the face of the deep. (Genesis 1:2). I remember praying once to learn from God what that spirit was, whether it was all of us spiritual children of God, or the Holy Ghost. I bear witness that it was indeed the Spirit of God and that He was and is there watching over the tabernacle we call earth. He helped to build it, and though He will not receive a body until the end (The Restoration of Major Doctrines through Joseph Smith: The Godhead, Mankind, and the Creation) He is always there, helping us when we need help, and will also be there to welcome us when we depart from this life.
Now the first day, according to the reckoning of God, which is the same, if not close to the reckoning of time on the sphere called Kolob, is one thousand years as we know it now, on earth. (Abraham 3:4, 9, 2 Peter 3:8)This is also verified by God's own word, in Genesis 2:17 God says to Adam, "...for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." Then in in Genesis 5:5 it says "And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died." Thus within that one day to the Father, Adam did indeed die. God does not sleep so there is no night. Anyway, this day begins with God saying "let there be light" and there was light, and the light was "good" (Genesis 1:3-4). Then God divided the light from the darkness. I have wondered about this. I have come to the conclusion that the light is from "God's face" or His glory and that He drew near to watch as His children continued to work, thus departing the darkness which was upon the face of the earth. Thus the light is good, and the first day was completed.
This first day also makes sense from any scientist's objective perspective. If you are about to run an experiment, first you want light to see what you are doing.
Day two, a firmament between the waters and the waters. (Genesis 1:6) Basically now that there was light, water began to evaporate from the heat of the light and rose into the atmosphere making clouds.
Day three. The waters below the firmament are gathered together and dry land is brought up or forth.(Genesis 1:9) This would be the birth of pangea, the first solid landmass.

Day four. God knows that He will have to leave, because of "the fall", so that we can be truly tested. Thus this "light" would be taken away, and that we need other forms of light. So God either created the stars, or allowed their light to reach us, and created the sun and moon for us. (Genesis 1:16) Now, I should mention that I know not whether the sun and moon were actually created or organized at this time, or if they were brought into their current orbits.
5. God causes fish, then fowl, then whales. (Genesis 1:20-21)I like how the creatures
of the ocean and waters are created first, as a testimony to me that
just because they were created first, thus having older bones and
remains, does not mean that one begot the next or evolution, but
rather God is a God of order and has stages and levels of creation
which we usually call a species.(dictionary.com species Biology.
The major subdivision of a genus of subgenus, regarded as the basic
category of biological classification, composed of related individuals
that resemble one another, are able to breed among themselves, but
are not able to breed with members of another species. [Breed meaning
sexual intercourse that produces viable offspring that are not
Quick rant: I am annoyed by the scientific community because they do not adhere to their own definition. Probably for more publicity about discovering a new species, or to make them force the puzzle pieces together about evolution. Either way, it is bad science and bad classification. The coyote, wolf, and domestic dog are all prime examples to me of this phenomena. Different "breeds" of dog are still the same species, yet wolves, their ancient ancestors, are considered a different species. Yet they can indeed breed with domestic dogs, thus getting "part wolf". Yet those part wolf offspring can then continue to reproduce. Given, for some reason, it is rare for a wolf and a dog to breed, but so it is with coyotes. Now a wolf and a coyote are also considered different species under the strange, made up rule about them not normally breeding in the wild. But when they breed, they create what scientists call a hybrid. Yet again these hybrids can continue to breed and create viable offspring. For example, the Texas Chupacabra.
This is indeed a real creature. It is the result of one of these coyote-wolf "hybrids" breeding with a "pure blood" coyote. Thus in all actuality, they are all the same species, dogs, wolves, and coyotes, and they should be objectively call breeds, or at least subspecies.

The same thing happens with other species, for example rattle-snakes. The Timbur Rattle-snake and the Diamondback Rattle-snake are separated by distance and land, but they can still breed, but don't in the wild. Yet, these same scientists, in some cases like this, wisely call them subspecies. Pretty much, genetic variations of the same species, like breeds for cats and dogs, or races for humans. So, I hope that you can see, why it frustrates me so, when they claim there are so many species, or even new species, when they are not adhering to their own criteria.
Again going with the flaws with evolution, and going back to the examples of canines. Even with will of the controlled breeding to get a Chiwawa and a Mastiff, though they are massively different in size, they could still breed and produce viable offspring. Given a female chiwawa bearing such an offspring would either need a C-section or die during birth, but a female Mastiff could easily bring forth a litter created from such a union. So, with all of man's efforts over the generations, we still have not truly observed the creation of a new species, unless you count A-sexual organisms, but they are a whole different discussion. Lastly, I would like to point out that I am not fighting Darwin's notion of natural selection, I am just arguing that no matter how much natural selection or man's selection, a new species is not created.
End of rant.
So, God commanded that these fish, birds, and whales multiply. That was the end of the 5th day. (Genesis 1:22)
Day six. God created more and higher species, like cattle and things that creep upon the earth. God called them "good". (Genesis 1:24) There was not maliciousness, not fighting or contention. Literally, they were all herbivores, just like they will be during the millennium, "the lion shall eat straw like the ox."(Isaiah 11:6-8). Quickly, I would like to point out that felines are one of the few purely carnivorous animal families on earth. Even dogs and wolves will eat grass to help settle stomachs.
Anyway, commanded them to multiply, and create more of their own kind. Again, the definition of a species. After God created these perfect animals, God created mankind. First with Adam, from the very dust of the earth (Genesis 2:7) with a celestial, perfect body (Journal if Discourses volume 1 pg 50), and then Eve, as part of Adam, taken from his rib (Genesis 2:21) in similitude of their being side by side, true, unified partners, of one flesh. I also find it fitting that Eve, or woman, was taken out of man, and then women have X chromosomes while men have an X and a Y. So quite symbolically, the X was reproduced and taken out of the XY man. Then God commanded His creations to multiply and replenish the earth. I also like the word "replenish" because it implies that the earth was once fully inhabited, thus again giving more credence to the dinosaur planet concept.
Sadly though, I have learned that the rib being taken from Adam was purely symbolic. "The story of the rib, of course, is figurative." (The Blessings and Responsibilities of Womanhood, President Spencer W. Kimbal also The Eternal Family Teacher's Manual Lesson 7) Yet in this discovery I found this by Elder Russel M Nelson "From the rib of Adam, Eve was formed. Interesting to me is the fact that animals fashioned by our creator, such as dogs and cats, have thirteen pairs of ribs, but the human being has one less with only twelve." (Lessons from Eve)
Sadly though, I have learned that the rib being taken from Adam was purely symbolic. "The story of the rib, of course, is figurative." (The Blessings and Responsibilities of Womanhood, President Spencer W. Kimbal also The Eternal Family Teacher's Manual Lesson 7) Yet in this discovery I found this by Elder Russel M Nelson "From the rib of Adam, Eve was formed. Interesting to me is the fact that animals fashioned by our creator, such as dogs and cats, have thirteen pairs of ribs, but the human being has one less with only twelve." (Lessons from Eve)
Thus ended the sixth day. The seventh day God "rested". (Genesis 2:2) I put rested in quotations because it is a basic misconception. As the Sabbath or 7th day is made for man to "rest", so it was for God. But what has God commanded us to do on the Sabbath, attend church, serve in our callings, study His word, ponder upon the things of God. All of these things are not resting, or as most people think of as sleeping or napping. On the contrary, most of these things take quite a bit of "work" and effort. So what is the true meaning of this "rest"? It is taking time out for the spiritual things, resting from matters of the flesh, or the temporary things, and focusing on those things that are most important, more crucial. Indeed, during this thousand of earth years in which God "rested", He focused on teaching Adam and Eve. Teaching them His gospel, teaching them truth, and imparting to them of knowledge. That is why it is so very fitting that this time period climaxed with Adam and Eve gaining the greatest, most progressive knowledge possible, by partaking of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (Genesis 3:4) Quite a mouth full in more than one way.
I feel that I should expound a little about about the nature of life in the Garden of Eden. During the course of writing this post, specifically Sunday July 26, 2015, I came across something that I did not know, and had not testimony of. Indeed it was perplexing to me, and I had little scriptural information to clarify it to me. So I prayed to know the truth. I had trouble receiving the answer, but finally through the means of writing things out, on paper, I received what I believe to be an answer. I know that the fall of Adam and Eve was necessary for them to procreate and to replenish the earth. And I know that in the celestial kingdom, after this life, celestial beings can too reproduce, so that the physical fall was not what was necessary for them to procreate, but rather a mental and spiritual fall. What I did not know was if the fall was necessary for animals to reproduce as well, or if they were already fulfilling God's first commandment while in the Garden of Eden.
My answer, through prayer, was that they were indeed able to reproduce. The fall, and the curse upon the earth as a result, was for man's sake, not for the animals. The animals were, and will be redeemed. They, though celestialized, were able to reproduce more celestial beings. Their bodies have a nature for this, that was not caused by the fall. While for humans, we may claim it is our nature, but that nature is only a result of the fall. Flesh begets flesh, and spirit begets spirit.
Another aspect I would like to touch on is that as a result of the fall, animal's brains are more limited. While in the garden animals could indeed speak. Satan does not, and will never have a body of his own, so he literally possessed a snake's body to speak to Eve. (Genesis 3:4, Moses 4:6-7 )
It is known that demons and evil spirits can possess animal bodies, like when Jesus cast Legion into the herd of swine. (Mark 5:9-13). Also, why didn't Eve wonder why the snake was taking to her? We know from Numbers 22:27-31 that the Lord made the ass to speak, or rather weakened the veil so that the ass could speak for itself. Which means that at least the spirit of the ass is smart enough to be able to speak, even though its body, because of the fall, is not normally able to.
It is known that demons and evil spirits can possess animal bodies, like when Jesus cast Legion into the herd of swine. (Mark 5:9-13). Also, why didn't Eve wonder why the snake was taking to her? We know from Numbers 22:27-31 that the Lord made the ass to speak, or rather weakened the veil so that the ass could speak for itself. Which means that at least the spirit of the ass is smart enough to be able to speak, even though its body, because of the fall, is not normally able to.
I do believe that I have covered all that I have desire to cover in this post. I hope that you enjoyed this, and if you have any questions, comments, or references for or against what I have posted here, please leave them in the comments. Thank you.