I took a Popular Culture class a few semesters ago, and something that I saw was that the culture is gravitating towards a universal theory. With the "mash ups" and "crossovers" from TV shows to anime, and even tattoos.
I applied this/these to phase shifting i.e. passing through solid objects. I have been trying to figure out some universal laws that all phase shifting could be contributed to, just manipulated in different ways.
Firstly, spiritual phase shifting: We know that spirit matter (Doctrine and Covenants 131:7-8) can pass through physical matter. How else could our spirits be inside our bodies and yet still be in the likeness of our bodies pre (Ether 3:16) and post mortal. Not to mention the Holy Spirit which can dwell in our hearts (Doctrine and Covenants 130:22) is also in the likeness of a man (1 Nephi 11:11).
This is also how demons and evil spirits possess human and animal bodies, even multiple spirits in one body like Legion (Mark 5:7-13). Also, this would dictate that it is likely that spirits cannot touch each other either, or possibly can inhabit the same space, I lean towards the latter. Kind of like the concepts in the movie Ghost. They can focus spiritual energy or emotion to be able to effect physical matter. This would be how the dark presence, likely Satan himself, was able to seize upon and bind Joseph Smith Jr. (Joseph Smith History 1:15-16). Clearly this would take much effort on the spirits' side, like how hard Patrick Swayze had to focus in Ghost and Casper learning how to scare and be a ghost. Even in Supernatural and Ghost Whisperer (television series) the spirits have to be dead a while to learn how to perform their "tricks" such as moving toys and items around like in the movie Poltergeist.
I prefer the 1982 version of Poltergeist, scary for its time, but looking at it now, it has an almost lighthearted comedic side which I prefer over the new generically dark version. Anyway, Poltergeist also has an interesting point of not just spirits existing around us, but also being able to pass through to a different spiritual dimension. AKA that funky tunnel from the closet to the ceiling that seems to be filled with some kind of ectoplasmic slime.
Something peculiar about this was that physical objects were also able to enter this other dimension, which poses other questions as to whether or not there are spirit beings in several different dimensions, as well as this one, possibly mingling with beings of physical nature as well. This dimensional concept I will refer to later on in this post.
I would like to revert back to Casper briefly. When he was first learning how to pass through walls, he got stuck in the wall. Unlike the spirits from Ghost which naturally pass through, despite it feeling very peculiar, these spectre are more visible and tangible. This is likely due to their ectoplasmic structure. Ectoplasim being a physical manifestation of spiritual energy, likely literally reorganizing elements around them into this substance, either purposefully or as a by-product. This physical manifestation could be why Casper appears the way he does, without legs, as well as why there are different kinds of ectoplasm. Like the pink goo from Poltergeist and the black goo from Supernatural, even the green goo that Slimer from Ghostbusters leaves when he passes through an object. Clearly he is able to pass through, but he excretes a very physical "slime" substance.
Bill Murray getting slimed in 1984 Ghostbusters |
Now what I am theorizing is that not only the number of electrons but the speed at which they move dictates these frequency properties. Since there is such a thing as an "excited" electron, usually an electron hit by a photon (particle of light) which then can be used as energy for photosynthesis or solar panels. What I am wondering is if it would be possible to have electrons, as well as the protons and neutrons that make up the nucleus or core of the atom, excited without breaking whatever kind of polarized pull that they have with each other. Thus maintaining the structure, but changing its properties in how it reacts to non excited atoms. Like having the atom's pieces moving and vibrating so quickly that they pass right around or through these other non excited atoms.
If this could be done on a large scale, like for an entire body, then that person could pass through objects. In Kitty's case she is able to control this by will, even to the point of effecting her clothing and anyone or anything that she might be in contact with. Then there is the tangean from Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, Princess Mira Nova. She has the ability to do the "tangean brain squeeze" clearly a reference to the vulcan death grip from Star Trek. Anyway, this ability of hers is to allow her hand to pass through the skull and yet have her finders solid enough to squeeze the brain, likely between the skull and the brain's membrane, but possibly between the membrane and the brain, which would be more difficult. This would mean that she can create this phase shift on specific parts of ther body, to the difference between knuckles of her fingers at least, or pads of her fingers from the bones itself.
Now this ability could come in handy, like for this brain squeeze, but could also be troublesome, like in an episode of Eureka (Season 3 Episode 6: Phased and Confused), in which a wanna-be superhero used outdated technology to become a vigilante. One of his gadgets was a device that allowed him to pass through walls, but it was faulty and the more he used it, an ear or some other body part would not fully phase shift and would get left behind on the wall. Clearly it is important to have your entirety pass through in such situations.
There also appears to be some kind of drag or remaining friction like was depicted in an episode of X-men Evolution. Shadow Cat had to pass through The Blob, a massive strong opposing mutant. The action wearied her and drained her more than just passing through a wall. This could be because of his density which was well depicted in X-men Origins: Wolverine, or it could be because the excited frequency that her atoms resonate still has some drag or friction. Not to mention she passed through him upwards instead of running or falling through him. She must have been able to climb or fight gravity.
This brings me to a very controversial episode of Stargate SG-1. In which Colonel O'Neill was effected by a device that made him invisible and able to pass through objects. The fans and scientists that know something about physics often mention that in such a case, that he passes through anything he touches without control, he would pass through the ground and keep falling until he reaches the center of the earth, and he would be stuck there for ever. This was depicted in, what I thought was, an episode of Static Shock, though it could have been one of several super hero cartoons. A villain had the ability to pass through objects, but the more he used it, the less he could turn it off, until he did fall into the earth itself.
Both of these examples makes me wonder if phase shift compatible atoms can have different frequencies. Similar to the concepts in Clockstoppers. Using the atomic watch they can move so fast that it is like time has stopped, and when the boy uses it again already in this state suddenly he can pass through objects. Two different states or frequencies, but both having excited atoms. For examples of possible frequencies here is an extreme, gravity would have no effect on them any more and they would just fly off, passing through anything and everything in whatever direction they were moving. Or, more practical, able to fight gravity enough that you don't sink into the earth, but are still able to walk and move. Just leaving enough friction for locomotion, while still being able to pass through objects. Then on the other end of the extreme spectrum, a frequency in which the person can only pass through objects with extreme force. The atoms are capable, but not quickly or without provocation.
Another possible remedy for this discrepancy between O'Neill and the mystery villain is much like Shadow Cat vs The Blob. Maybe the earth and ground itself is so dense that the phase shifting individual can walk on it, or possibly swim through it. Though this is more unlikely because often times walls are made of similarly dense materials like stone, brick or concrete.
Though the X-files adds another aspect. What if the phase shifting effected the solid materials that were passed through. In the episode Trevor, a prisoner gained the phase shifting ability during a storm, and when he passed through a wall or an object, it was like he rotted it. Very hollowed and weakened. Possibly how Ultra Violet rays can pass through into cells and then damage DNA to make skin cancer, the excited atoms do damage while they pass through. Or if the friction itself causes it, like water flowing over a rock bed, degrading and eroding the rocks and soil.
Then there is the phase shifting in Fringe season 1 episode 8 Safe. Some robbers use sound frequencies to excite the atoms of the wall, and like quick sand or vibrating rice, an object not excited can then pass through, with some force. The force can be gravity, or as with the robbers, their own strength while pulling on a rope. However, it was noted in the show that the individuals who passed through the walls were being effected by radiation poisoning, likely due to the energy breakdown of those molecular bonds as they passed through.
Either way, I think that I have adequately explained my theories on spiritual and physical phase shifting. Now to go back to the different dimensions. Most practical is hyperspace. Like in Star Wars, it is a very practical resource for intergalactic or at least inter-systemary travel. Now why do I have this under phase shifting, because at its root it is taking atoms or objects into some form that allows them to pass through objects in this dimension.
Though this might be more accurately exhibited by referencing the anime Naruto. The character Obito Uchiha has a sharingan eye. This eye has the ability to create a special dimension specific to that individual. Now the portal to this dimension is the eye and it can absorb the entire body and or foreign objects. This can be used for a type of teleportation, the individual can suck themselves into this dimension and then release themselves relatively wherever they desire. Now, specifically with Obito, he has found a way to only project part of himself into this other dimension, allowing projectiles to seemingly pass through him.This ability is called Kamui.
Well that is it, pretty much explaining all of the ways that phase shifting can occur within these realms of reality. I hope that you enjoyed this, and if there is anything that you feel that I missed and should include, or have more direct references for me, I would love to see them in the comments. Thank you.
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