I realize this is a delicate post. In the course of my life I have seen the media go into a panic over global warming. Living in Arizona, I never really noticed an increase of heat. However, I did notice some years of snow, which inspired many a "dad joke" from my father about seeing global warming in action. This might be why in this current great push from the media, they have changed it to climate change.
Now I am not denying that true climate is changing or anything like that. I do remember that with Global Warming I saw a documentary expressing how the earth was just coming out of an little ice age. There was a documentary in 2004 called "Little Ice Age: Big Chill" from The History Channel that illustrates just how harsh that little ice age was. This was followed by the documentary I watched many years ago that came out in 2007 called "The Great Global Warming Swindle". With the scientific evidence supplied in this documentary, they address the ideas of Glob Warming, in particular, the CO2 emissions. Some of their charts and stats are shown here: http://seawapa.org/climate/.
Though the CO2 myth appeared to be adequately debunked by this documentary, they did point out that generally, temperatures rise with the number of sun spots, and thus the sunlight and energy hitting the earth. By their own admission, the increased sunlight should warm up the greenhouse gasses which trap that form of heat. However, they found that the troposphere, where the greenhouse gasses of the ozone are located, it was surprisingly cool. This helped them disprove that ti was increasing CO2 because those gasses would collect more heat, however, it did not explain why the surface of the earth is so much hotter.
Deforestation and all of the dark pavement and concrete buildings that come with the grown industrial world can account for that. Less light is being reflected up into the greenhouse gasses, letting them be cooler, because the heat is staying in the ground, soil, and cities. Alas, this is merely my theory as to why there was this discrepancy, and it would lead to humans still being a contributor to the growing heat. However, both the increasing in sunspots and the evidence of our planet coming out of an ice age impact it as well.
It is also important to note that more CO2 would hold in more heat in our atmosphere, though the amount appears to be mostly negligible. However, that is based upon those 2007 studies. As of 2014 NASA claims that the troposphere is heating up, but give no numbers as to how much (climatechange).Thus comes the biggest plot hole to the freaking out about Climate Change is how much of the changes are natural, and how much is man made. I have found no statistics or any studies that exhibit accurately these numbers.
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Skeptical Scientist Global Warming Contributors graph |
NASA claims that the rising of temperatures coming out of the Little Ice Age are not enough to account for the speed and temperature difference we are experiencing. Yet, even the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change acknowledges it as a factor (IPCC). Alas, though I have the inherent bias and skepticism towards this fear tactic the media is using, I have to admit that Skeptical Scientist appears to have some stats to back up their claims, and proper references... Yet their graphing as seen above clearly appears inaccurate, claiming that one study alone showed human's interference as being more than 150 percent of the contribution to Global Warming which is mathematically and rationally impossible given how little negative there is shown coming from other causes including natural.
Alas, I digress and allow for the clear statement that the earth is warming and the climate is changing. Now here comes a great question, is it necessarily a bad thing?
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Bradley's presentation graph |
Raymond S. Bradley's 2003 presentation "Climate of the Last Millennium" clearly illustrates that we are at the same temperature and even higher than during the Medieval Climate Optimum which, as expressed in "The Great Global Warming Swindle" was a period of great abundance and improvement for the human, and even animal, species. Crops flourished, people multiplied, and the world was looking up, though it was devastated when the Little Ice Age hit.
This further hints at the question, is more heating really that catastrophic? Dr. Patrick Moore, PHD in Ecology and founder of Greenpeace talked about this very issue on a talk show called Louder with Crowder. Though most of us think of intense heat, especially myself living in Arizona, that heat equals desert and terror. Thus none of us really wanting things to become warmer. However, Dr. Moore pointed out that at a point of regional heat, deserts transform into rain forests, like strolling down Mexico into Central America.
As the earth heats up, more water evaporates into the atmosphere, creating humidity, and more rainfall. Though I am not much of a fan for mugginess either, it was pointed out that humans might actually be tropical beings, meant to live in sweltering temperatures and regions.
This fascinating bit of information made me ponder about the earth during Adam and Eve's time in the Garden of Eden. It was a paradise. Indeed, it has been compared to a terrestrial world, "Edenic earth. Following its physical creation, the earth was pronounced good. It was a terrestrial or paradisiacal state. There was no death either for man or for any form of life, and 'all the vast creation of animated beings breathed naught but health, and peace, and joy.'" (Doctrine and Covenants Student Manuel section 38).
My second post I put on this blog was about a class I took about Heatstroke. In that post, I remarked about how Adam and Eve, being celestial beings (Journal of Discourses Volume 1 page 50), had no need for clothes, like they did not sweat. Yet, when they fell, they were given coats of skins (Genesis 3:21). As with ancient Jewish and Arabic cultures, they wear many layers because the sweat enters the inner layers of clothing holding in moisture and allowing air to be cooled.
I bring this up because also in the Doctrine and Covenants institute manual, it compares the Edenic earth to the earth during Christ's second coming. "Terrestrial earth. 'We believe... that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory' (Tenth Article of Faith.) Thus, the earth is to go back to the primeval, paradisiacal, or terrestrial state that prevailed in the days of the Garden of Eden. Accompanying this transition to its millennial status the earth is to be burned, that is, receive its baptism of fire. It will then be a new heaven and a new earth, and again health, peace, and joy will prevail upon its face."
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Frederic Edwin Church - Morning in the Tropics |
Which makes me wonder if the earth is just slowly preparing for Christ's second coming. As the earth heats up, the areas of humidity that cause rain forests would expand. Colder places where it is hard to grow food, like Canada, Northern England, and so forth, could be made more rich and sustainable. Yes the change would be uncomfortable for us in our mortal state, but the heat and humidity could benefit the earth more than it hurts it. Indeed, maybe our involvement with Global Warming is actually our terraforming it more into the ideal world for us to live on.
This would make Global Warming as part of God's Plan to help welcome Christ upon the earth again, which Satan definitely does not want. Interestingly, one of Satan's greatest weapons is fear because it is the opposite of faith. Maybe he just wants us to fear these changes, fear the unknown, fear the new.
Alas, we do know that in the last days, there are things that we should keep in mind. With the changing of the earth, more and more natural disasters will occur. "and great earthquakes shall be in diverse places..." (Luke 21: 7-13). Much like the strange earthquake in May of 2015 in Michigan. Or the earthquake in Montana July of this year. Tornadoes, fires, and especially earthquakes are happening more frequently and in more locations. There is the possibility that with the expanse of media and information connectivity, that we are just learning more about natural events that were happening all along, however, unsubstantiated, I have my doubts about that. It really seems like the world is in turmoil and something is changing.
I leave you with this message, if these changes are of God, and are meant to happen, then there is nothing we can do about it anyway. If these changes are terrible, are something catastrophic, then why are those pushing the agenda using fear instead of logic and reason to figure out a solution. Again, realizing I am biased, I hope that at least someone became more open to new ideas concerning this matter.