Thanks to the support I received from my first Star Wars post, about The Force, I have decided to write a follow up post about lightsabers and midichlorians.
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We can gain quite a bit of insight from this, first I will compare lightsabers to medieval swords. In ancient kingdoms, knights were the warriors that protected cities and lead armies. The use a sword that was forged, if not by them, for them specifically. The would train with it, get to know it, and almost become one with it. Indeed they would name their swords, like King Arthur's Excalibur.
A weapon such as this, in the hands of one who has been trained and has proficiency, it not clumsy but is precise. It can indeed be called an "elegant weapon".
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A lightsaber is a hand held device that produces a controlled plasma beam. The beam resembles a sword or blade, and also produces light.
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Thus, it is my theory that, though lightsabers can be used by non Force users, the true capabilities can only be unlocked by someone who uses The Force.
Now that we have discussed why Jedi and Sith use lightsabers, what about the midichlorians that Qui Gon Jinn talks about in Star Wars I: The Phantom Meanace?
Qui Gon said, that "Without the midichlorians, life could not exist, and we would have no knowledge of the Force. They continually speak to us, telling us the will of the Force. When you learn to quiet your mind, you'll hear them speaking to you."
A gentleman once said to me, concerning intelligences, that they are just waiting to be organized by a being, especially one with a body. Now, I know of no doctrine that completely condones this, however, with the knowledge that Satan, as a spirit being, had intelligences and light of truth, and that we too have them. God the Father especially has them. Then it is a likely hood that the intelligence's will is, "Use us" or "Give us purpose".
Again, it is important to note that intelligences are not the Holy Ghost, for the Spirit of God tells us good things to do. Yet, the Force can be used for evil and darkness. Thus, it is ultimately up to what the individual decides to do with the power the intelligences give them.
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Now, as far as I know, we do not have midichlorians, thus the statement about them being "within all living cells" is false. However, this misunderstanding could be due to their presence withing all beings within the Star Wars Galaxy. Thus, every cell ever tested by the Jedi or Sith would have the midichlorians. It is almost as thought they spread like bacteria, a contagion throughout their galaxy.
Now, these midichlorians are also mentioned to be a means of Anakin Skywalker's unusual birth. "It was possible that he was conceived by the midichlorians." (Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace) This means that the midichlorians have DNA, like most single celled organisms, though they reside inside of cells.
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In a similar fashion, midichlorians closely resemble mitochondria but with some kind of organelle that responds to, or can sense, the intelligences or light of truth. It is with these organisms that people in the Star Wars galaxy are able to communicate and use The Force. The more midichlorians the individual has, for example Yoda or Anakin, the stronger they can use The Force. Though, because cells can replicate, even midichlorians, then an individual can grow more midichlorians, or higher percentages, within the cells. Thus, not only are they becoming more experienced with using the force, their power and ability to influence it increases.
Finally, though we, in the Milky Way galaxy or simply on Earth, do not have midichlorians, we can still feel the light of truth, or the light of Christ with our spirits. This may not enable us to be Force users, but we are able to discern truth and grown in knowledge. Consider the this gift from God as a test to determine what kind of person you will be, good or evil. Then, when this trial is over, we will receive according to that which we have embraced. Be wise in your decisions.
As always, feel free to leave any comments, ideas, or criticism below.
Previous Post: Star Wars: The Force
Cool thoughts! Pretty much anyone you talk to over the age of 40 has had at least one personal experience that they can't explain with science. The cellular level is an explanation I had never thought of before.