Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Crypt TV Monster Universe: Continuity and Theories 4/4

There are depictions of GORE and MONSTERS!!!

Fight Night

     Includes monsters : Colossus, Estelle (Mohawk), Mordeo (Nancy Porter), Aponi (Stoneheart).
Mohawk (Estelle)

Left: Nancy Porter Mordeo. Right: Broken Compass hanging over arena.
Aponi silhouette

    In Fight Night each monster has an item raised above them to symbolize what drives them to fight. Stoneheart witch statue head. Estelle holds her chains which she controls. Mordeo (Mohawk Girl Scout/Nancy Porter) holds the compass which her peer used to get her lost in the forest and inevitably turn her into a Mordeo. (This means that the Mordeo schoolgirl may still have a consciousness left, as she can still feel hatred and retain her old memories.) A shoe with two tags. A notebook with a love heart on it. A beaded or pearl necklace. And an unknown object.
Left: Stoneheart. Center Left: Chains. Center Right: Compass. Right: Shoe.
Left: Heart card. Center: Pearls. Right: Unknown

    Shelley vs Colossus Creepypasta shows Shelley being captured in her battle with Colossus, so this last unknown object could be the skull necromancy bracelet used to bring her and her boyfriend Oliver back to life. Alternatively, it could be the Mistress of Bones’ death whistle. 
Colossus Teddy Bear

    Colossus holds a teddy bear from his dead daughter in the van.
Left: Colossus Teddy Bear. Right: Colossus being experimented on.

    Colossus is shown under a white blanket with a nuclear symbol near him. This could be where they are cybernetically enhancing his already monstrous body.

    Fight Night protagonist Porter has a grudge against Elias from the Sunny Family Cult for his mother being killed for “something she didn’t do”. This is both shown with pictures in the tent where the protagonist sleeps and with meeting Taylor on the road. It is unknown if he met Taylor before or after the incident with Roger and the death of her father, Elias.
Left: Newspaper clippings in tent. Right: Photos in van.
Left: Porter meeting Tayor from SFC. Right: Monsino liquid concentrate. 

    Micah has been taking drops of Monsino liquid extract. Apparently too much of this stuff turns you into a monster but a drop a day makes you super strong. Thus, after Porter force feeds her with a large amount, she has become an unknown monster.

    Crypt Monsters seem to be scattered over the US at least, if not the world. Micah has a map trying to piece together torture fragment sites labeled on map seem to either be the location of monster, the power source of monsters or the purple glowing rocks, or doors to the plane of torment. The Brute up in Washington with a “mutated buffalo” “conspiracy” near Wyoming, which can’t be Aponi with her buffalo headdress because she is captured from California but it could still be The Mauler being mistaken for a bison instead of a boar.
    “Mind Manipulator” is close enough to the Sunny Family Cult symbol that it is difficult to tell if Micah is speculating that the cult leader Elias is a mind manipulator or if this is in reference to another creature like Cheshire. TF could be initials or simply “The F…?” The conspiracy theorist in Wyoming seemed to be named Michael or Mickdorf
    Then there is Mordeo captured. Another monster captured from North Carolina. Because of the proximity to the Mordeo, and the interaction the Mohawk Scouts had with the Mordeo, I suspect this is where they captured Estelle. A reference to the Woe Bones in a swamp. Thomas tracking something in Georgia, and the only Thomas I am aware of that has been introduced is the Thomas family, with Lewis Thomas studying the Stereoscope and multi-dimensions, possibly hunting The Reek. Though there is a Thomas Albenes (or something like that) listed as an employee under “Who to send next?” Last of note from this image is a creature with “gator? hind legs?” in Florida which has me stumped unless it is referring to Fluffy’s scaly hide, but we know that Fluffy’s attack took place in a “local school” compared with Aponi in Stoneheart S2, so it is likely that Fluffy is in California, not Florida. The Nix from Beast Under the Bed is slightly gator like. 

    The next image indicated “desperation” for the Woe Bone in Tennessee. There is also “A rapist” near Louisiana, and it is unknown if this is a monster or a human victim to feed to the monsters in the arena. If it is a monster, it could show some hard R intentions for some of the future videos from Crypt TV. 
    It is really difficult to read things on the bigger view of the board, but there is a “little one” in New Mexico. Something captured near Oklahoma/Kansas. Morgu possibly up in Minnesota.
    Lastly, Aponi is captured in California and there are the Thirteen Poisoned teens in Harbor where the Look-see is. 
    As part of the canceled Monster Fight Club NFT game they advertised this swirling wheel with the 10 monsters the game had and their symbols moving around the edge. I think the center symbol is supposed to be an amalgamation of all ten of the monster's symbols, or it could stand for something else. Since the game is discontinued, it could be considered the symbol for the Monster Fight Club itself, aka, the Fight Night arena. 
Failed Monster Fight Club NFT symbol

The Girl in the Woods/The Door in the Woods

The Brute’s official symbol for the canceled Monster Fight Club NFT game.
 “Muscle and Malice born of rage. Bleed upon the lock. Unleash Rampage. Unleash Carnage.”
    The background for the image is the door in the woods. It is interesting that, like the inscription, blood on the door, chains, or lock seems to magically release the lock on the door. It is also interesting, that the children’s rhyme from Door in the Woods “Brute, Brute, come out of your hole and beat the living black as coal. Brute, Brute, go back in your hole and spare the living one more soul.” wasn’t used or referenced for this symbol. From Door in the Woods, it appears that at least the retort “Brute, Brute, go back in your hole and spare the living one more soul.” is the incantation to magically seal the door closed again. 
Left: The door in the woods. Right: Love graffiti on door. 

    The Sunny Family Cult symbol is on the door, along with the Brute symbol and warnings: Don’t Open, Beware, Keep Out. There is also graffiti, likely of lovebirds from the Brute cult: T (heart) C, P (heart) B, and A (heart) I/T/L. That last letter is difficult to read because of the slash running through it. Hypothetically, if the A stood for Arthur (the cult survivor from Girl in the Woods that helps train Carrie), then this could be foreboding of Arthur’s wife and children being murdered by The Brute once it is released. 
Left: Unknown totem on door. Center: Common cult attire. Right: Higher up cult attire.

    It is difficult to see in a still image, but there is a totem/fetish hanging from the chain above the letters K and A. The symbol of the totem/fetish is triangular with a circle inside, meaning it could be Birch, The Thicket, or even an early Monsuno design. The Brute’s symbol is also on the cult’s attire, black on blue for most of the cult, and white on red for the cult leadership, along with the white priest collar. 
The Brute with the Brute symbol branded on its forehead. 

    It appears that the symbol is from Brute's forehead, but there is some possibility that The Brute was branded with the cult’s symbol. Unlikely, but possible. 
Left: Carrie's Drawings. Right: Captured Scarlet Siren.

     7 years later in Girl in the Woods, Carrie is shown in the trailer preparing for a hunt. Drawings of monsters, especially the Brute’s symbol, are seen on the walls. One of them could be a reference to the Woman in the Book, though more likely one of the Scarlet Sirens that Arthur has been training her to hunt.  

Left: Scarlet Siren. Right: Brute amulet.

    As a minor note, after Arthur resealed the door with the chain, the garlic and totem/fetish that seemed to be hanging on the door have been replaced with amulets of the Brute’s symbol. Likely the other stuff fell off when the chain fell, but could also mean that the symbol adds extra power to bind the Brute behind the door. 
Left: Arthur's dead family with teddy bear. Right: Arthur finds torment fragment.

    While Arthur buries his family, a teddy bear is shown. This could be a generic teddy bear, or it could mean that Arthur was the father that eventually transformed into Colossus. Though Arthur is later killed by a Scarlet Siren, he had remarked that the torment fragments created the Scarlet Sirens, so it is possible that with his death the fragments brought him back as Colossus.
Carrie's torment fragment blade for her prosthetic arm.

    It is also while digging the graves that Arthur finds the large torment shard that he will later turn into Carrie’s knife for her prosthetic arm. There is even a quick flashback to when a torment shard was used to create The Mauler in Camp Monster.
Boy from Camp Monster getting cut to become The Mauler

    After Arthur is killed by one of the Scarlet Sirens, Carrie discovers that he either worked as, or was posing as an electrician for Monsino. Among her discoveries was a map of the planes of torment (the realm beyond the door), and a map of Monsino locations in the US. On the map “P” represents portals to the planes of torment and the mountain symbols appear to be torment fragment deposits. 
Monsino map of the Planes of Torment
Monsino map of locations

    There have been some discoveries shared by doodleferp on tumblr. Link here.

    Doodleferp and their community figured out that there is a Look-see symbol and a Mordeo symbol, both correlating to the locations on Micah’s map from Fight Night.
Mordeo and Look-See on Monsino map from Doodleferp's blog.

    In Oklahoma there is “First Reports of Altered Reality Mind Control”. When compared to Micah’s map in Fight Night, it now becomes clear that the “Mind Manipulator” is not Micah’s theory about the Sunny Family Cult, but is a reference to this clown looking monster symbol, since both the Mordeo and Look-See have symbols on this map representing their locations. Additionally, since the Cheshire, a slightly clown looking monster, is later found in Carrie’s book at the end of Water’s Edge, this “Mind Manipulator" is almost guaranteed to be the Cheshire. 
Clown symbol with "Oklahoma" carrot pointing toward it.

This makes me wonder what monster is represented here in Iowa and Arizona. When compared to Micah’s map, the closest monsters to Iowa are the Sunny Family Cult and Morgu. The small white dots on the black face could represent the three eyes and white mouth of Morgu. Alternatively, since Soot was identified in Carrie’s book at the end of Water’s Edge, it is possible that this black face with white dots could be Soot. Admittedly, the fuzzy mark of Arizona vaguely looks like it might have the four horns of Aponi’s headdress, but we know she was captured for Fight Night closer to California. That being said, Carrie discovered this map about 7 years before a lot of the other story lines, so Aponi could have migrated or her Stoneheart been taken to California. 
Left: Unknown black monster symbol with white dots.
Right: Unknown blurry monster symbol.

    There is one last dark mark in the Washington/Oregon area, likely The Brute’s door since the shape is more square. Other extra locations: Monsino Therapeutics in Missouri, Monsino Biotech in Texas, Monsino Pharmaceuticals Headquarters in New York, and Monsino Headquarters in Illinois.

Peacock The Girl in the Woods
Left: Door in the Woods. Right: Brute symbol on the door.

    Unlike the other series Crypt TV made, the Girl in the Woods series was made by/for Peacock instead of Facebook. The director/creators admit that this series takes place in an alternate world from the first two short videos. However, I still feel like the series is worth examining since they use a similar door with the same symbol. However, this symbol appears to be the symbol of the “Blood Herd”, the name given to monsters of Gehenna (plane of torment), as the first monster that escaped, the Hypnotist, carved the Brute symbol into a tree. It is unknown if Gehenna is the name of all the planes of torment, as shown in Carrie’s original map, or if Gehenna is just the plane of torment that this alternate world’s door connects to. 

    Here is some fun etymology for you: Gehenna is the Greek name of the Valley of Hinnom, a valley surrounding Jerusalem. In the valley of Gehenna is where they would burn the refuse or trash of the city. As such the New Testament often used it as a term for hell, comparing the sinners going there to the burning discarded trash. (Mark 9:43-48). This is probably why the name Gehenna is also used as one of the several hell dimensions in the Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) cosmology, situated between The Nine Hells (lawful evil) and Hades (neutral evil). In D&D Gehenna has four lesser planes or layers: Khalas (which has waterfalls from the river Styx), Chamada (which has volcanos and lava), Mungoth (which has falling ash and burning snow), and Krangath (which is dark, dead, and cold. It's name means "dead furnaces"). Since the top layer of Khalas is described very similarly to the top layer of the Monsino map, there is some possibility that the creator of the show used D&D Gehenna as inspiration for the map and that there is a fourth plane of torment that Monsino hasn't explored or mapped out yet. 
D&D symbol for Gehenna.
Note how it is a triangle, like from Stereoscope and the Monsino logo, but has smaller peaks representing the other planes inside of Gehenna.

    Back to the Brute symbol, in the Peacock series it is also used by the Hypnotist to create a nest hidden beyond a veil that requires a blood sacrifice and a chant to pass through: “Vast Gehenna, I give my skin, pray warm shadow, let me in.” Thus correlating spilt blood and a chant to both open and close the door like in the original shorts. Additionally, we learn the name of “The Colony” as The Disciples of Dawn. 
Left: The Hypnotist. Right: Hypnotist carving on tree.

    The Hypnotist’s mask and coin are made of a gold colored metal called Devil’s Bone, as well as Carrie’s blade in this world. This appears to be this world’s equivalent to the torment shards with slightly different properties. Instead of making monsters, it houses the leech/parasite true bodies of the Blood Herd inside geode-like eggs. It also has a greed/obsession aura that makes people want and crave it. The Blood Herd parasites remind me of the parasites that were attached to the unicorn in Legacies S1 E11. 
Left: Carrie's Devil's Bone blade. Right: Blood Herd parasite.
Left: Boy holding dead slug on blade from Legacies. 
Right: Blood Herd inside Devil's Bone geode egg.

    The Hypnotist was also creating a second door, using the same Brute symbol, causing the Devil’s Bone metal to appear like an ore vein to entice the miners to mine and dig, opening the door and bringing more of the Blood Herd into the world. 
Hypnotist door with Brute symbol and Devil's Bone vein.

    The Blood Herd is capable of transforming people into other monsters besides just the Hypnotist. This includes the Echo which is invisible except for reflections.  

Left: Echo seen in mirror. Right: Close-up of Echo as Carrie kills it.

    The same Blood Herd parasite can even transform people into different monsters, showing that it isn’t the Blood Herd itself, but the human host that determines the monster it becomes. This is evident from Nolan getting infected by the Hypnotist’s Blood Herd after the Hypnotist is slain, and it transforms him into a Brute like monster. However, Nolan’s Brute doesn’t have the head tattoo, thus suggesting that The Colony from the original shorts might have branded the Brute with their symbol, or the symbol of the Blood Herd, as a way of helping to control it and the doorway. Carrie noted that the Blood Herd are blind, indicating that the Hypnotist, Echo, and Brute all hunt by sound not sight.
Left: Nolanbrute face. Right: Nolanbrute in woods.

    This world has an alternate version of the Crypt Tome called The Ledger. This one has a wood cover and is etched with the symbol of the Brute/Blood Herd. It includes a depiction of The Brute being killed. The Hypnotist with its tree shelter/nest and an image of a Brute-like creature before relaying information about the Pestilent Stream. 
The Ledger
Page from The Ledger about the Hypnotist
Page from The Ledger about the Brute
Page from The Ledger about the Pestilent Stream

    The Pestilent Stream. A door: for passage between our earth and the ashly gardens of Gehenna. If we compare this to the map the first Carrie found, then the top layer/plane of torment is like Gehenna or at least the gardens of Gehenna. As this Carrie tears away the passage she needed, we also see a glimpse of some other symbols, including a large Z. 
Left: Monsino map of Planes of Torment with a forest (garden) layer with a flowing black (pestilent) stream.
Right: Next page from The Ledger

    I am not sure if it is relevant to any other lore, but I thought it would be good to note Arthur’s phone number in this other world: 503-555-0166. I checked, and it is not the same as Alice’s from Milk and Cookies. 
Arthur's phone number


    The very first episode of Hospice includes a ghost and a ball. Compared to the rest of the season, it makes little sense, however, it indicates that the hospital is working on ways to keep people alive, or bring them back after death. The ball even begins shifting and smoking, making the ghost’s face like the spirit is tied to or trapped inside the ball. It makes one wonder if it has something to do with the smoke around Splintered or Soot because of the drawing found later on in the series. Random info: the man who died was Mr. Nowak and he might be related to Troy Nowak, the boy from Stoneheart S2 that drew the monster from the original Stereoscope short and might be Angela from Stereoscope's son. This might mean that Mr. Nowak was Troy's adoptive father, or possibly Angela's father if Nowak was her maiden name/last name (If my theory about Kristen, Angela, and Alma are the same person is accurate.)
Hospice Ghost Ball
Mr. Nowak Ghost

    This experiment could be because Kane Hospital is run by Dr. Kane, who is related to Anthony Kane from My First Day, is affiliated with Anthony’s school Willowdale Elite, the school for murders and psychopaths, whose alumni (possibly from the ring repeatedly shown in Shelly) had access to the crypt tome and the skull necromancy bracelet used to raise Shelly and Oliver as zombies. This connection is also suggested by the drawing of Soot, the monster representing the inevitability of death, in both the principal’s office of Action Academy in Shelly and the hospital closet in Hospice next to the ball. 
Left: Action Academy papers from Shelly S2. 
Right: Soot paper and ball in closet in Hospice.

    It is also worth noting that Alice seems to have been sneaking into the hospital as her name tag reads Alice Carroll, while she goes by Alice Q with the business card she gave to the children hunting Walter in Milk and Cookies. It has been confirmed by the Crypt TV creative director Alyssa Onofreo that this Alice is indeed Alice Q. Alternatively, Carroll could be Alice’s middle name, married name, or maiden name as she appears to be single after the death of her son by the Brute as shown in a flashback. Alice also later finds a drawing of the Brute in the hospital closet. 
Left: Alice's nametag in Hospice. Right: Alice's business card from Milk and Cookies.
Left: Brute killing Alice's son.
Right: Drawing of Brute in Kane Hospital closet.

    Dr. Kane’s son, Norman Kane, died of “heart disease” and was seen in the crypt, still having his face. This could mean that Anthony Kane might be Norman’s son, and had been living with his mother and step-father for the events of My First Day since Dr. Kane had been taking care of Norman and watching him “waste away”. Suggesting a long term disease. However, Anthony’s acceptance letter lists “Mr. and Mrs. Kane”, so they are more likely related through some other means. 
Left: Kane on mortuary corpse drawer. Right: Norman Kane's dead body.
Anthony Kane's acceptance letter from My First Day

    Dr. Kane injected his son Norman with Serum 7 to try to bring him back to life, instead creating a monster. Interesting that it is Serum 7 and that Norman was placed in the mortuary drawer 7. The transformation process with black veins is very similar to The Widower, suggesting that maybe Bixby National Laboratory was trying to perform similar experiments.
Left: Anthony Kane transforming. Right: Anthony Kane "Hospice" monster.

    Dr. Kane claimed to get the recipe for Vial 7 Serum from the Crypt Tome. There are several other serums shown, which could be accidents created in the attempt to make Vial 7, or they could potentially create different monsters. I also wonder if the serum was made from mixing Soot and Brute together, since drawings of both were found in the closet. 
Hospice Serums
   After watching CZsWorld video on YouTube, link here, he makes a really good argument that the first episode of Hospice took place 8 days after the events with Norman Kane. The flickering lights were caused by the mortician’s body being thrown into the breaker, and it had not yet been fixed, and the toe tag for Alice’s patient occurs before the time stamp on the video footage of the ghost killing the nurse. November 2 vs November 10. If this is the case, then the ghost wouldn’t be the result of Dr. Kane’s experiments, because the Hospice monster already killed Dr. Kane. Since the ball was seen with the drawing of Soot, it could be possible that the nurse “survived” the Hospice attack and Soot was claiming her using the ball and the ghost. However, in the past, Soot always claimed his victims in person, not using a ghost proxy. 
Left: Alice's patient's toe tag. Right: Security camera footage of ghost killing a nurse.

    As a last attempt to bring my theory and CZxWorld’s evidence for his theory together, I am surmising that the ball was indeed part of Dr. Kane’s experiments on raising the dead. However, with his death, no one knew the importance of the ball. When the Mr. Nowak ghost kills the nurse, it is difficult to tell what he says. Even the episode’s CC says (grumbling). For myself, I hear one of two things: come here, or murderer. So it could be possible that she murdered him and his spirit used the ball as a medium to exact his revenge from beyond the grave. 


Since Hospice began with the appearance of a ghost, suggesting Dr. Kane was experimenting with other ways to bring Norman Kane back to life, it would be reasonable that the events of Vampire, where a man goes to donate blood at a hospital only to discover a vampire feeding on his blood, could be taking place at Kane Hospital as well. 

The Widower

Left: The Widower. Right: Widower's zombie girl.

    This monster was created in a lab experiment, likely similar to the one performed in Hospice. However, the unique attributes of this creature allows him to turn others into zombie-like monsters, particularly creating an almost spouse/mate relationship with the victim. However, this serum was “Quickvue Binax BD Veritor Rapid Test Strain” performed at the Bixby National Laboratory.
Left: Paperwork identifying serum used. Right: Bixby National Laboratory sign.

    The transmission of this infection appears to be symbiotic, where the Widower forces the victim to ingest its blood (judging by Jodi immediately coughing up blood or some kind of black substance after it attacked her with no signs of being bitten or hurt), and taking some of the victim’s blood and injecting it into the sort of control cyst on its shoulder. 
Left: Jodi coughing up blood
Right: The Widower injecting blood into his shoulder cyst

Water’s Edge

    There is a purple glow in the pond water, likely caused by torment fragments. The fragments seem to be able to draw people towards them first by their glow, then with illusions. Contact with the water causes the individual to transform into a Woe Bones: a carnivorous monster that wails with the loss of loved ones and family. They seem to retain some partial memory of loved ones still living, as Lexi’s father was able to feed her and have her not kill him after she transformed. 
Left: Purple glow in water. Right: Lexie Woe Bones

    Carrie from Door in the Woods appears to hunt Woe Bones. Her hunting book shows Cheshire (likely located and identified thanks to the Monsino map), Soot, Brute (of course), and Woe Bones.
Left: Cheshire. Right: Soot.
Left: Brute. Right: Woe Bones

Landon Dies

    The monster from Landon Dies has striking resemblance to The Veil from Doctor Who S9 E11 Heaven Sent. Both media include the plot of essentially feeding clones to these monsters inside a domicile like prison. 
Left: Landon Dies monster. Right: The Veil from Doctor Who.

    There is a deer skull on the wall. Even though not every deer skull means something, in the context of the series, it is likely a reference to Mordeo. Especially given that in a nearby containment enclosure appears to be a Mordeo designated M457. The other enclosure is aquatic and seems to have a mermaid creature, possibly similar to The Little Mermaid or Marco Polo, designated as M458. All while Landon’s containment cube is designated M312.
Left: Skull in Landon's apartment. Right: Containment chambers.

    This sort of capture and containment gives off SCP (Special Containment Procedure/Secure Contain Protect) vibes, though the containment and experimentation suggest this might be one of Monsino’s labs. There is also a framed portrait of the Look-See in Landon’s bathroom. That being said, the actor playing Landon is actually named Landon and also directed the Look-See series and considering this short was filmed in Landon’s actual apartment, it was likely part of his own home décor, which is why it meta has the Crypt TV logo above the word Look-See. 
Look-See poster in bathroom.


I don’t know what to say about Terra. I didn’t notice any continuity as she seems to be a stand alone monster representing the earth seeking vengeance against those that would abuse the earth by wasting water and starting wildfires. She does seem to take on the elemental appearance or aspects according to the damage done to the earth: water form and fire form. Also, she leaves a calling card of daisies that have turned red with blood. It is a massive stretch, but Daisy was abused by a religious father, and maybe the father’s “see no evil” and “speak no evil” was trying to prevent her from rousing the anger of Terra. Again, it is a MASSIVE stretch, trying to get this short video to connect to the established Monster Universe. 
Left: Daisy turning to blood. Center: Terra's water form. Right: Terra's fire form.

This is all I have for now, but I reserve the right to update any of these 4 Crypt TV Monster Universe posts as I discover new information. 
I hope you liked some of my theories and maybe made new connections you never made before!
Thank you for reading.