Sunday, July 28, 2024

Crypt TV Monster Universe: Continuity and Theories 1/4


There are depictions of GORE and MONSTERS!!!


    The Crypt TV Monster Universe seems to revolve around a book called the Crypt Tome. I will be sharing my thoughts on the combined series, not in order of appearance (which is down below), but in the order that seems to make the most sense to me. 

 Official Crypt TV Monster Universe Episode List

  • Vampire
  • The Gotcher Man
  • Woman in the Book
  • One Please
  • Cured
  • Marco Polo
  • Creak
  • Itsy Bitsy Spiders
  • The Thing in the Apartment
  • The Birch
  • Morgu
  • Stereoscope
  • Telos
  • Daisy
  • My First Day
  • The Thing in the Apartment II
  • Cakeman
  • Neighbors
  • Founder's Day: Treasured Belongings
  • Founder's Day II: Marked Sacrifice
  • Milk & Cookies
  • The Terrible Tale of Jacquelyn Torne
  • Troubled Youth
  • The Widower
  • The Drawing
  • Terra
  • Tethers
  • Troubled Youth II
  • The Door in the Woods
  • The Chosen
  • Milk & Cookies II: Walter's Revenge
  • Taste: Feed Freaks
  • Camp Monster
  • Water's Edge
  • Scamp
  • Dream Screechers
  • Friendship Bracelet
  • Keep Out
  • Splintered
  • Dread
  • Beast Under The Bed
  • Harclaw
  • The Girl in the Woods
  • Landon Dies
  • Mistress of Bones
  • Rubberneck

Official Crypt TV Monster Universe Series List

  • Mordeo
  • Sunny Family Cult
  • The Look-See
  • Stoneheart
  • Crypt Fables
  • Hospice
  • Mohawk
  • Shelley
  • Soot
  • Fight Night
  • FB The Birch
  • Miss Annity
  • FB Stereoscope
  • FB Kinderfänger
  • FB Mira Mira
  • FB: Woman in the Book
  • Peacock: The Girl in the Woods


Mordeo official symbol for the canceled Monster Fight Club NFT game.
“An offering made to antlers and bone. Hunger burns bright. The blood hunt begins.”

    Note that the background for the symbol image is skulls and stones stacked on top of each other, like at the ritual site.


In order to become a Mordeo you must not just eat human flesh, it must be consumed with actual hunger as the girl scouts were lost and starving. There is a Mordeo Queen with bigger antlers than the rest, possibly the original. If she is killed, would it kill all of the Mordeo? Or would it cause another to become more powerful to take her place? 
When the transformation occurs someone says “I belong to the Mordeo now.” or “You belong to the Mordeo now.”. During the first transformation, a dead man spoke the words, suggesting that the words might be an hallucination the target hears during their transformation.
The Words “Hunger desperation” and “offering” were shown in Crypt tome. Alluding to hunger and desperation being a necessary ingredient for the transformation. 
    The Birch symbol and totem can be seen throughout the forest both carved into trees and created hanging from trees.
Left: Birch Totem. Right: Birch symbol.

The cultist wraps the severed fingers in a newspaper clipping of the missing Mohawk scouts listing Nancy Porter. There is another newspaper that also references the girls that went missing in but gives the date of 1979 right before Halloween.  An alternate theory to the hunger, with the clues from the NFT symbol of an “offering”, because the cultist brought an image of Nancy to the ritual site, a visual representation of the person might be required for the transformation
Nancy Porter newspaper article.
Newspaper article shown as cultist is getting killed.

    The trio of girls are apparently from Mohawk since they are Mohawk scouts. Therefore, Mohawk is likely located near this forest and thereby Elkridge Falls. A map of the Mordeo area is also shown by the cultist with the ritual location marked. As such the most likely place for the Mordeo’s forest to be is Patapsco valley state park. 
    A member of the Sunny Family Cult then finds the crypt tome. This can’t be Roger who is in possession of it later because he carved the mark onto his left upper forearm, but this cult member just has a tattoo on his right arm which most of the Sunny Family Cult members seem to have.
Sunny Family Cult tattoo
    The Mordeo’s symbol is shown both on an antler apparently belonging to a Mordeo cultist, a skull at the ritual site, and on a skull hanging above the Elkridge Falls sign.
Left: Mordeo cultist's truck. Right: skull at ritual site.
Elkridge Falls sign with marked skull hanging on tree.

    My theory: A rival cult of Mordeo stole the book or splintered off from the Sunny Family Cult and Roger sent a member of the cult to go retrieve the book. This would explain why the Mordeo mask looks vaguely similar to the SFC mask; almost like it was originally a SFC mask that was modified to become a Mordeo mask.
Left: Mordeo Mask. Right: SFC Mask


    There is a “T” like symbol on the Telos’ box, which is likely the symbol for Telos and not the Egyptian all-seeing Eye of Ra that is on the Telos ball itself. If you make a wish while holding the ball, the wish comes true. However, making a wish that goes against nature, like wishing for someone to come back from the dead, will cause the Telos monster to appear. 
Left: Telos box. Right: Telos ball.

    There is a Telos vs Look-See Creepypasta thus incorporating and connecting Telos into the monster universe.

Telos Monster

Thing in the Apartment

The Thing official symbol for the canceled Monster Fight Club NFT game.
“Sleep is your only hope but it will not come. Now you are haunted, hunted. Doom stalks closer ready to consume you piece by bloody piece.”

    Note that the background of the symbol image is a brick wall, reminding how The Thing is able to watch you through walls.  

The Thing

    At the end of Thing in the Apartment, an organization is hunting down The Thing and one of them is holding a box. The box might contain a torment shard to kill or subdue it for the monster fight club. It could even contain one of their monster control collars. The Crypt TV Facebook page confirmed that these men do indeed work for Micah and are trying to capture The Thing for her monster fight club. 
Mysterious Box

    Personally, I like the idea that the monster hunter is holding the Telos box and they are going to use the Telos' wish to control The Thing.


The Cakeman official symbol for the canceled Monster Fight Club NFT game.
“Beware the sixth month. The sixth day.The sixth hour. When six fingers are up on a crown. Bone burning to ash.”

Note that the background of the symbol image is star and other party stuff for a birthday party. 

 Six candles move on their own to form the Cakeman symbol. 

Founder’s Day

The Founder’s Day monster is called Batsu in the book, but is listed as Badu on the Wiki.

    As far as I can tell, the founders of a mining town had a cave in, discovered the creature with crystals growing out of its head, and began to sacrifice to it for prosperity. Alternatively, the crystals poking out of its head might be drained torment fragments used to transform a trapped miner into the creature. 

    The first page of the book under the sink has the Norse rune Fehu which represents cattle and wealth. I like how by the fourth page the Fehu has transformed into an F for Founder’s Day. However, the symbol that they are supposed to mark their “most prized possession” with looks more like the symbol of the Deathly Hallows from Harry Potter. I think it is supposed to be an eye as the line that would represent the Elder Wand doesn’t reach the top of the triangle. However, taking the idea of the “hollow” which could be a cave, and “hallow” to make something holy, I think it represents the monster’s eye or the crystals inside the triangular opening left in the drawing of the mine collapse and the blessing it gives them of wealth and prosperity. 
Left: Andrea Shelley's description of the meaning of Fehu.
Top Right: Deathly Hallows symbol from Harry Potter.
Bottom Right: Masonic symbol from The Man Who Would Be King.

    P.S. J.K. Rowling admits that the symbol of the Deathly Hallows was derived from the Masonic symbol in The Man Who Would Be King, which is made from a compass and corner edge (often called a square) with the all-seeing eye in the middle. It also bears striking resemblance to the Star of David, however I find it more interesting that what once had an eye, lost the eye, and has now returned to looking like an eye as Badu's symbol. 
Badu/Batsu symbol

    The wife, Kristen, is first introduced showing a bulge in her belly. At the end, it shows her having been mauled but possibly alive. Admittedly, this was likely just the actresses’ stomach and I am reading WAY too much into this, but I like the theory that she had been pregnant with Jack Smith’s child and escaped, changing her name to Angela to distance herself from the Founder’s Day cult, since she is the single mother in the Stereoscope short film.
Left: Kristen's opening stomach. Right: Kristen mauled.

    Additionally, the actor who played Michael Jones is the same actor who played Jonathan in Look-see (the man whose daughter drowned). Since Jack (Kristen's husband) and Michael were close, this could mean that Michael left The Founders after Jack’s death and Kristen’s escape, changing his name to Jonathan. This would explain why he was a single father, having sacrificed his previous girlfriends/wives to Badu, possibly even his daughter Camille’s mother, but he couldn’t handle losing his daughter too, causing the Look-see to come get him. Alternately, Michael could have realized his daughter had become the most valuable thing in his life and that is why he left The Founders for Harbor (location of the events in Look-see), and why he was so devastated because of her death. 
Left: Michael Jones from Founder's Day.
Right: Jonathan from Look-see S1


    This was a short film that spawned one of the FB series. Though the series didn’t use any of the monsters or worlds from the original film, it does still use the premise of seeing and hearing other worlds while looking through the stereoscope, and takes it further by being able to travel to those worlds. 

    The original film’s main monster was referenced in a sketch in Stoneheart S2, implying that Troy might have been able to see into other worlds and saw this creature.
Stereoscope Man

    However, the series created a whole new monster called The Reek which tears through barriers between worlds and wreaks havoc. It doesn’t exactly have its own symbol, but because of the triangle was referenced so often as the strongest shape, the triangle is a close symbol for The Reek. 
Left: Lewis Thomas drawing the triangle on Callie's hand.
Right: Triangle found on window while searching for Lewis.
The Reek

    We could also look as triangles in general as the symbol of the barrier between worlds, like the triangle portal in the 2016 movie The Void. 
Triangle portal from The Void

    Since the women were played by the same actress, I have the theory that Kristen survived the encounter with Badu and had Jack’s child, which is why she was a single mother in Stereoscope, having changed her name to Angela. 
Left: Kristen from Founder's Day. Right: Angela from Stereoscope.

    The FB series finale has the first opening scene of the short film in the post credits, meaning that the original short film takes place after the events of the FB series. However, there was a difference between the FB series and the original short. The original short had writing on the edge of the box lid. 
Left: Box from original short. Right: Box from after credit scene in series finale.

    It was likely removed from the FB series finale for some kind of copyright reasons, or because it was a recreation of the scene and they forgot to include the writing, or even the color filter used to change the hue of the scene might have unregistered the green symbol and letters. In any case they left the View Master Stereoscope lid the same from the top view. It appears to have been an actual Stereoscope box. Looking up the box I found a better image of both the symbol and the writing on the side. The symbol on the box is simply a green stereoscope device. And the words are likely: Sawyer's Inc. Portland 7 Oregon. Made in the U.S.A. 
Left: top of box lid from Stereoscope short film.
Right: box lid of an actual View-Master Stereoscope box.

    Portland, Oregon actually does have some ties to mining, which would make it interesting if it was where Founder's Day takes place, however the neighborhood looks nothing like Portland, Oregon. 
Neighborhood from Founder's Day.

    Even if Portland isn't the site of Founder's Day, I like the idea that The Founders cult sent her the Stereoscope. They found out where Kristen/Angela ran off to and sent her this thing to try to kill her. Since Angela isn’t shown being killed by the Stereoscope man, it is possible that it only killed her baby, or maybe even took her baby for The Founders. Thus allowing her to escape once again. 

View-Master Light Attachment for their Stereoscope

    While looking for the box to see what the edge said, I discovered that View Master made a Light Attachment for their Stereoscope, and I would love to see that used along with the Stereoscope in a later video.



    Daisy’s eyes and tongue were cut out and then sewn shut by her religious father, which was more of a serial killer deed, yet Daisy became a monster after what he did to her, as she repeats the process on those who move into her apartment. 
Left: Kristen from Founder's Day. Center: Angela from Stereoscope. Right: Alma from Daisy.

    Since the same red haired actress played the wife in Founder’s Day, the mother in the Stereoscope, and the woman attacked by Daisy, it could be the same character changing her name over and over trying to escape The Founders. If The Founders were the ones that sent her the Stereoscope, it would make sense that she would change her name again to try to escape their influence (Kristen, then Angela, lastly Alma). The baby is gone, possibly killed or kidnapped by the Stereoscope man, or possibly grown up and moved away. Either way, she appears to have gotten together with Jazmin and tried to start her life over again. However, if that were the case then odds are Alma would know better than moving into a supposedly “haunted” apartment since she knows that monsters exist. Yet, it was also Alma that brought up the concern that the apartment might be haunted. 
Alma having been killed by Daisy, her eyes and tongue cut out and sewn shut.

    Sadly, this appears to be the end of Kristen/Angela/Alma’s unfortunate life of being hunted by The Founders and monsters as Daisy managed to do what Badu and the Stereoscope man could not, and finally kill her. 

The Look-See

The Look-See official symbol for the canceled Monster Fight Club NFT game.
“Look back and not see the path ahead. The danger that waits. Let go of what was lost or lose yourself.”

    Note that the background of the symbol image is the cogs of a clock, reminding how the time of the watch is always ticking. 
The Look-see

    It is important to note that several of the Look-See victims are in attendance at the memorial of the thirteen teens poisoned. The black cop who lost her son, the main protagonist who is losing her marriage, and the adulteress. The victims are warned “If you yourself can not release, then It will come and take a piece.” presumably by the humans who are forced to serve the Look-See having survived it by releasing their grief. 

    It seems like the man who was helping the Look-See offended it by actively trying to intervene. Which caused it to attack him, followed by his suicide because he couldn’t live with what was happening. I theorize that the regretful man who killed himself was forced to poison the 13 teenagers in order to create the grief needed and victims for the Look-See’s ritual. 

    The thirteen teens poisoned newspaper from the Look-see S1 appears in Troubled Youth part 2 on in the library and on a table in Keep Out. The gymnasium is also seen in The Daily newspaper article in Milk and Cookies part 2 on the wall about 4 missing children.
Thirteen Poisoned newspaper article
    The woman who survives the Look-See by releasing her guilt and sorrow is Jenni. Though the price of survival was losing her hand, being bent and broken, and then having to serve the Look-See as his human servant. 
Left: Jenni bent, broken and handless in bathroom stall.
Right: Jenni forced to write the Look-See's warning with only one hand.

    Jonathan's cake at the end of S1 made me think of Cakeman and how that scenario could create a fight between Cakeman and the Look-See. Though there are 12 candles (instead of 6) representing his daughter Camille’s 12th birthday that she would have had. 
Camille's birthday cake

    With S1 and S2 both taking place in the town of Harbor, Pennsylvania, it is possible that the Look-See might be trapped or bound to this location. Alternatively, since the Look-See uses humans to warn and act on its behalf, it could be limited to where its watch is taken. The watch also has the same clock inside an eye as the Look-see's symbol. 
Look-see watch from S2

    S2 ends with a second Look-See like creature being released in the past, in 1932. This new creature has blue gloves instead of red gloves, and a slightly different misshapen head judging by the silhouette. 
Left: Look-See hands with blue gloves coming out of the watch.
Right: 2nd Look-See silhouette on wall. 

    This entry from the crypt tome also helps paint a picture of the ritual possibly needing 12 victims like the twelve points on a clock. 
    My Theory: In order for the Look-See to multiply or bring more of its kind into this world, a ritual needs to be performed. A human, who was able to release, offers up others who are grieving, and with enough victims, the locket opens releasing another Look-See like creature. 

Launder Man

    Though this short video is NOT technically part of the Monster Universe, it was directed by the same director as The Look-See and stars the same actress who is attacked by a similar creature with similar gloves. Possibly, the one that came out of the locket from Look-See S2. The short video also has the same video style of no one speaking. The monster even has a similar patchwork design, being made out of cloth instead of flesh. Although, the Launder Man doesn’t have the head bulge that was silhouetted, which means it could be a third Look-See like creature.
Left: Dark gloves of the Launder Man as he picks up a quarter.
Right: Launder Man peeking over a curtain. 

    However, it is implied that the Launder Man kills the woman since her foot sticks out from the washing machine. Which would not be possible if it was the same woman, since she had both hands while searching for the coin she dropped. The woman from Look-See, having survived by releasing her grief, lost her hand in the process.
Left: Woman's foot poking out of washing machine.
Right: The woman still has both her hands.

    Two easy explanations: the women are twin sisters or alternate worlds/universes which seems to be the cop-out with a lot of lore these days. A third explanation is that her character has really bad luck and keeps getting bent and broken yet survives, implying this occurred before the Look-See events. 
Left: Jenni from The Look-See. Right: Rachel from Launder Man.


Dead woman who becomes the Latch ghost.

Latch (another short NOT technically part of the Monster Universe) begins with the same actress from Look-See and Launder Man dead and crumpled up in a closet, possibly left there by the Launder Man or a Look-See human servant trying to hide the body. However, after her ghost appears, claw marks on the bottom of the door manifest, suggesting she was alive when she was locked in there. 
Claw marks on bottom of door.
   Again, like in Launder Man, she has a left hand, though the shadows obscure the arm, allowing for a possibility of the severed left hand being returned to her.
Dead woman in floor of closet.

    My theory: at the end of Latch her ghostly body twitches by the lamp, similar to the twitches of the Look-See. I think it would be cool if Jenni earned the Look-see’s admiration, so it rewarded her by coughing up her severed left hand and left it on her body when it killed her, completing the ritual and instead of summoning a new Look-See creature, it turned her spirit into one. If, like the Launder Man, each new Look-See has different rules, then her rules could include the teenagers' game/chant “Show me the light, or leave me in the darkness.”

    I also really like the idea of the Launder Man being the second Look-see from S2, and his purpose is to kill those who fulfill the ritual sacrifice. So when he came out of the locket, he would have killed the little girl (Leah Capshaw), and so he killed this woman as well once she fulfilled her warnings for the Look-See victims. However, the whole “two hands” thing does throw a crinkle in that theory.

    Alas, I fully realize that Launder Man came first, followed by Latch, both before Crypt TV started creating the Monster Universe, so they are stand alone short films. Additionally, her character in Launder Man is officially named Rachel in IMDB while she is Jenni in the Look-See series. Which could allow for the twins possibility, and Rachel was killed by the Launder Man, stuffed alive into the closet after surviving the spin cycle, and became another Look-see creature. Thus, potentially, there could be 4 different Look-see like creatures: Look-see, Launder Man, Rachel’s Ghost, and the one that came out of the locket. 

    As I am writing this, my mind flashes back to Rubberneck, another twitching monster in an otherwise silent short film, but this one is officially part of the Monster Universe. 



    Rubberneck is a monster man with its head on backwards. Its eyes flash like photography. It appears that anyone who takes a picture of its victims becomes its next victim, even haunting the new victim with the photo taking ghosts of its previous victims. 
Photo taking ghosts

    The wiki listed that the teddy bear is from Look-see S2 and belonged to Theodore Capshaw. However, it isn’t in the man’s closet as it lists, but is actually in front of the deceased woman’s apartment and is left as a memorial. This could mean that there is some relationship between Rubberneck and Look-See or the town of Harbor, Pennsylvania. 
Left: Teddy bear outside of dead woman's apartment.
Center: Theodore holding the teddy bear.
Right: Theodore's teddy bear being used to give a Look-See warning note.

    However, the location of the Rubberneck apartment building doesn't seem to be in Harbor as the trees outside the apartment are palms, suggesting California or Florida. 
Woman (Jules) running from Rubberneck outside of the apartment building.

    Nevertheless, I got a crazy theory. If the Look-See multiplies, not just by having another Look-See climb out of the watch, but also by turning the human co-operating with it into a Look-See like monster, then Rubberneck could possibly be Leah Capshaw, having been allowed to grow up before she was killed. Thus, she/Rubberneck left her brother's teddy bear outside her victim's door. I acknowledge this is a super weak theory, and Rubberneck looks nothing like Leah. However, there definitely seems to be some kind of connection with Look-See and Rubberneck. 

Leah Capshaw from Look-See S2


    Since I brought Latch into the conversation, the ghost woman from Creak is actually considered part of the Monster Universe, though I will compare her with several other ghost/monster women NOT technically part of the Monster Universe but are still from Crypt TV short videos. 
Left: Little girl looking under the bed with Creak ghost looking with her.
Right: close up of the Creak ghost looking at the little girl. 

The Legend of Agatha Rose
    The Creak woman’s mode of operating, aka being next to the little girl she is about to attack, is also similar to Agatha Rose. Though Agatha has less pale skin and long black hair. Possibly they are similar monsters like the Look-see and Launder Man.
Agatha Rose next to girl under the bed.

Top of the Stairs: Agatha
Though not a ghost, this Agatha is a cannibalistic, monstrous woman and quite possibly became the Agatha Rose ghost or Creak ghost woman after her death. 
Left: Agatha watching the child she is about to eat.
Right: Agatha sitting in the darkness after eating the little girl.

Under the Stairs
Speaking of stairs, this seems to be an entire theme of monster women. However, this ghost/monster woman cries and weeps to draw people down the stairs where she can grab them. I am not sure where to classify her as a monster or a ghost, because she appears in the woman’s closet, but doesn’t attack until she is downstairs. 
Left: Crying woman hiding in closet.
Right: Crying woman peeking out from between the steps of the stairs.

The Alive
    Lastly, the way Creak runs at the girl at the end reminds me so much of The Alive mother’s behavior before she attacked. Possibly, while the mother was in the coma, the Creak woman possessed her body. 
The Alive mother charging at her daughter.

    To combine it all into one theory, I theorize that Agatha Rose was the Agatha at the top of the stairs and became a ghost that continues to feed on children after she died. Her spirit continued to age/become more pale the more victims she claims, first as the crying woman under the stairs, then the Agatha Rose ghost, then becoming the ghost from Creak, and lastly possessed a woman in a coma in The Alive. 

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