Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Crypt TV Monster Universe: Continuity and Theories 3/4

There are depictions of GORE and MONSTERS!!!

Mistress of Bones

    This installment follows off of actual Aztec mythology with a demonic monster named Huitzilopochtli (an Aztec god also known as the supreme god of Mexico) and his wife that betrayed him, Mictlantecuhtli the Mistress of Bones. Huitzilopochtli was seeking to regain his power by combining the leather bracers and the necklace he uses to possess people. 

Left: Huitzilopochtli possessing a man.
Right: Mictlantecuhtli the Mistress of Bones wearing her skull mask.

    A man possessed by Huitzilopochtli has carved a symbol into his flesh, before adding a skull to the center. Still unsure why he waited until this moment to add the skull since he had not yet acquired the necklace to accompany the bracers. 
Left: Symbol pre-carved onto the man's chest.
Right: Skull added to the symbol at the gravesite. 

    His leather bracers seem to be what is causing the possession as they have the glowing skull on them. They also allow him to control a demonic creature. I am unsure if this is Huitzilopochtli in the flesh or simply Demonio Azteca (as it was credited as).
Left: Huitzilopochtli bracer glowing with his symbol.
Right: Demonio Azteca

    Either way, the demon was able to be weakened by the Aztec death whistle in Mictlantecuhtli’s possession. 
Mictlantecuhtli's Death Whistle


Left: Oliver and Shelley reunited as zombies.
Right: Necromancy bracelet used to bring Oliver and Shelley back from the dead.

    Shelley Carter attended Avon Manor which is a sister school to Action Manor, one for girls and the other for boys. 
Avon Manor sports patch.

    In season 2, Oliver Greenwood, (Shelley’s boyfriend) attended Acton Manor, someone at that school knows about Soot and most likely other monsters as seen in a confiscated pile of drawings along with a used drawing silhouette of possibly the Aponi apparition judging by the position of the four horns. 
Papers in Action Manor's Principal's office.

    First victim in Shelly S1 was tasked with killing Shelly to join Willowdale Elite (same name as the murdering school in My First Day and the monster hunting camp from Camp Monster). The female principal offering this deal wears a ring that might indicate alumni of Willowdale Elite. She also has a plaque with The Brute symbol on it, possibly correlating The Brute cult with Willowdale Elite. Alternatively, as part of attending Willowdale, they research monsters to hunt and kill like the monster hunter camp. 
Left: Avon Manor Principal's Ring
Right: Avon Manor Principal's Plaque

    The crypt tome also makes another appearance, now in the possession of Celine, given to her along with the necromancy bracelet used to bring back both Shelley and Oliver by a man wearing a similar, possibly Willowdale Elite alumni ring.

Left: Hooded man with the Crypt Tome.
Right: Hooded man's ring and the necromancy bracelet. 

    He is the same man that Celine is seen with after massacring Shelley’s family while pretending to be her, indicating that Avon Manor and Action Manor are likely grooming locations for Willowdale Elite. With their knowledge of both the crypt tome and how to create zombies, it is likely that Willowdale Elite knows that their serial killers can become monsters or make monsters or are trying to turn them into monster hunters. 
Celine removing her Shelley wig next to the hooded man with his ring visible.

    Theory: I suspect that Willowdale Elite was also responsible for convincing one or more of the co-eds in Rapunzel to burn the dorm down, judging by both the similarities with necromancy and girls murdering each other. 

My First Day 

Left: Crypt TV Promotional Poster with (Left to right): Shelley, Aponi, Eva, Fluffy, Brute, Look-See, Taylor (SFC), Mordeo, Anthony, Birch.
Right: Anthony Kane wearing his parents' faces as a mask.

    Though I wouldn’t classify Anthony Kane as a monster, My First Day is listed as part of the Monster Universe and he is featured with the other monsters in some of the promotional posters. He is seen wearing a mask made from human faces. The top half from his mother and bottom half from his father. His new school is Willowdale, though possibly different from Willowdale Elite, it is likely the same school mentioned in Shelley. 

Left: Mr. and Mrs. Kane with parts of their faces cut off.
Right: Acceptance letter of Anthony into Willowdale School

    Among his school supplies are various weapons, arsenic, cyanide, chloroform, and some books: Helter Skelter: The True Story of the Manson Murders, Inside Ed Gein, H. H. Holmes. Helter Skelter is about Charles Manson and the Manson family as serial killers, H. H. Holmes was also a serial killer and con man, and Ed Gein was more of a deviant, only having killed 2 women, but having dug up many bodies to turn their skin and bones into souvenirs. 

Anthony's school books.


    The Gotcher man somehow takes children’s noses without them feeling pain, otherwise he is completely normal. Like Anthony Kane, he is included in the Monster Universe. It almost inspires me to theorize that he might have attended Willowdale and they taught him how to do this as a serial killer. Additionally, he seems excited and almost giddy to have his bag of noses. Possibly he is accumulating them for a school project, or he might derive some kind of power from the stolen noses. Either way, this is very similar to the Ice Cream Surgeon. 
Left: Gotcher man. Right: Gotcher man's bag of noses.

One Please

    I call this man the Ice Cream Surgeon. In One Please, he drives around in an ice cream truck trading ice cream and popsicles to children for fingers that he collects in jars. Similar to Gotcher, he gets super excited, even wiggling his ears, when he receives a new finger for his collection.
Left: Ice Cream Surgeon. Right: Fingers in jars.


Cured stars the Ice Cream Surgeon. Now instead of trading ice cream to children for fingers, he trades demons for angels in his exorcism surgeries. 

Left: Ice Cream Surgeon as a surgeon. Right: Demon removed from demoniac's skull.

    There is a tight connection between One Please and Cured, though the connection is not clear. The same actress played both the demon and the angel in Cured, as well as the little girl in One Please. The black and white color scheme as well as the archaic surgery tools makes it seem like Cured took place in the past. However, I like the idea that the Ice Cream Surgeon collects fingers to give him power to extract the demons and then insert the angels. Alternatively, if Cured is in the past, maybe the neighborhood of kids collecting fingers for him are former demoniacs that he had cured, or the children of the demoniacs.
Left: Angel from Cured. Right: Little girl from One Please.

Itsy Bitsy Spider

    The early television style with mustaches and thick TV's makes it seem like this occurred at some point in the past. A pair of serial killers, going by The Collector, has been kidnapping children from apartments, scoping them out by posing as a painters. 
Child Kidnapping news report on Television

    Meanwhile a boy named Edwin has an overactive imagination, causing him to draw spiders on the walls. When The Collector came for him, the spiders somehow bound The Collector and his partner and drained them of blood. 
Left: Spiders drawn on walls. Right: Serial killers cocooned on floor.

    Additionally, the psychologist that the mother took Edwin to has a peculiar ring. Though I am pretty sure it is a different ring, it does bear a striking resemblance to (what I assume is) the Willowdale Elite alumni ring as seen in Shelley. This could mean that Willowdale was inspecting him for recruitment as a potential slasher/monster hunter. 
Psychologist's Willowdale Ring

TASTE: Feed Freaks

Feed Freak Mutant

     First introduction of Monsino by air date. Seems to have an entire branch of companies, some dealing medical products and others dealing produce. Monsino Farms is the brand label and deals out free samples of meat which changes anyone who eats it into monsters. The Monsino logo shows a “friendly” monster and hints that the organs of monsters are used in their products. So this “meat” might be from monsters harvested at one of their facilities. 
Monsino Farms meat package

    A Sunny Family Cult mask is shown briefly in Hermit Jim’s house on a table. A reference to Trouble Youth’s Fluffy is shown on the computer screen in Clover’s bedroom. Since it is “another” sighting, it is like referencing the events in the library. 
Left: Sunny Family Cult mask. Right: Fluffy in the news, again.

    There is also a dead cockroach and a three leaf clover. The roach is possibly a reference to Swarm. More likely, since the main female character’s name is Clover, it could represent how close death is to her and her brother, or her brother's cowardice like the term “roaching out” when you run away, scattering like roaches when the lights turn on.
Left: Clover and the Cockroach.
Right: Cockroach monster from Swarm (NOT part of the Monster Universe)

    Here is an unlikely connection. Michael plays a video game with a knight which could be a very vague reference to Knave the Queen of Hearts since the health bar is also hearts. If so, it might mean that Knave's power actually comes from the sword.
Knave video game

Keep Out

Left: Keep Out pale man. Right: Smiling Man from Alter (NOT Crypt TV)

    The monsters are apparently 3 children with removed voice boxes who are now approximately over 20. They were tested on with drugs by their father who owned Galloway Pharmaceuticals. For me, they reminded me quite a bit of the Smiling Man from Alter (a completely different horror YouTube channel). 

    I doubt it will come up again since both of the “GuyZ” are dead, but it would be worth keeping an eye out for text messages or online threads including the green skull. This could also be a reference to the green glow of Shelley and Oliver’s skull bracelet. 
Left: GreenSkullGuyz avatar. Right: Shelley necromancy skull bracelet.

    Two references I noticed were a newspaper article referring to the 13 poisoned in Harbor from Look-see, and the Sunny Family Cult symbol marked in the dust on a table. It is peculiar that the SFC symbol is just rubbed in dust instead of carved into wood or painted with blood as the previous Easter eggs have been. 
Left: Thirteen Children Poisoned newspaper. 
Right: SFC symbol in the dust.

    Lastly, the dynamic of the GreenSkullGuyz reminded me quite a bit of the YouTube channel Luxury Dark. 
Left: GreenSkullGuyz. Right: Luxury Dark

Beast Under the Bed

    This monster is called the Nix. It attacked a man and later the woman he had been sleeping with, but in completely different locations. Afterwards, Nix begins hunting down the woman’s family. Due to the nature of the situation, I almost wonder if the Nix was hunting down cheaters, or some kind of monster attracting STD that the boyfriend had, who gave to the wife and who gave it to the husband. 
The Nix


The Harclaw’s official symbol for the canceled Monster Fight Club NFT game.
“Feather. Talon. Claw. Wickedness born of sorrow. It seeks what was lost. Stealing what can never be replaced.”

    Note that the background of the symbol image is feathers. 

    This monster steals children to raise them as her young. I do find it interesting though, that the bird-napped boy wears a mask that almost looks like a Harclaw skull. So the monster's loss might have been its own fledgling, and I theorize that given enough time, the skull would have attached to the boy turning him into a Harclaw. 
Boy wearing Harclaw skull

Miss Annity

Miss Annity’s official symbol for the canceled Monster Fight Club NFT game. 
“Stay true to her path or she will come with eight legs. She’ll wrap you up. Hollow you out. You will dance to her pull, an empty marionette.” 

    The background is of wallpaper like her apartment complex, and the symbol is a spider web fused with male and female indicating her strict policy of gender roles. 
Left: Female symbol. Right: Male symbol.
Bonus: The female symbol also represents the goddess Venus
The male symbol also represents the god Mars
That is where the saying comes from: Men are from Mars and women are from Venus.

    Miss Annity committed suicide after being shunned and her show cancelled for giving bad advice.
Miss Annity

     She was presumably bitten by a spider holding some of the glowing purple torment fragment power, as a purple glowing spider runs down her dangling leg, and she killed herself in the Bridgeport apartment.
Miss Annity's dangling legs with purple glowing spider coming down left leg.

    All of her kills have taken place in the same building called Bridgeport. That’s why her recordings are known as a Bridgeport Apartment Production. 
Left: Life Lessons with Miss Annity book with a purple glowing spider crawling on the cover.
Center: Bridgeport Apartments sign outside of the apartment building.
Right: Life Lessons with Miss Annity: A Bridgeport Apartment Production

    To defeat Miss Annity you must accept your current demon. “Prim and Proper” accept your body (Break Mirror). “Baby on board” accept that the child won’t always need you (leave baby doll). “Kiss and Makeup” accept that your bullies don’t need to fight and you don’t need to fight back (Hug enemy).

    After killing people, she takes them down to her apartment where their bodies are used to breed more spiders.
Dead woman in Miss Annity's basement apartment with spiders coming out of her mouth.

Woman in the Book

Christina Navarro, the Woman in the Book

    As an extremely short film, the original left so many questions. It is nice having the animated FB series to flush the character out more. The animated series takes place in Mexico at a Hacienda where a family secret of child murder is slowly unraveled by the whims of the inky spectral Woman in the Book (Christina Navarro). The series ends with multiple copies of her book being made and distributed. The Navarro’s realize too late that Christina inhabits each book, essentially multiplying herself. 

    Thus, for my film theory, the original short film takes place after the events of the series, and some American tourists picked up the book, likely after staying in the hacienda in Mexico, and released Christina while going on a hike. 

Tethers: Invasion

    This is the start of what I would call the “alien” monsters. Tethers starts off with a lightning strike that causes a sort of explosion or portal to form in the air. Then a plane or possibly an alien ship crashes coming from the opposite direction. However, since the female character is already outside and on the run, it is likely this is not the first of similar events of this invasion.
Left: Portal/Explosion in the air left by the lightning strike.
Center: Tethers larva poking out of back of woman's head.
Right: Large Tethers alien as tall as trees. 

    Larval or smaller versions of the aliens tether themselves to the back of people's heads, controlling them like puppets, while the larger ones, as tall as trees, walk around eating people. 


Scamp angry

    Scamp, named after the S in Super and Camp in Camper on the main couple’s trailer home, terrorizes some of the less honorable residents of the Enchanted Acres Trailer Park. The only other time I have seen a trailer park in the series was with Jacquelyn Torne, when she possessed a girl and made her kill her father who hasn’t been “keeping her well”. So there is some possibility that this is the same trailer park, but not likely since the Jacquelyn Torne trailer park is close to a power plant while Enchanted Acres Trailer Park is close to the woods. 
Left: Super Camper: Scamp. Center: Enchanted Acres Trailer Park sign.
Right: Trailer Park from Jacquelyn Torne.

    The portal that Scamp enters through looks quite similar to the portal-like phenomenon from Tethers that appeared in the sky. A theory I have is that Scamp came to this world to hunt the Tether aliens which are invading. 
Scamp Portal

    “Rog” or Roger from the Sunny Family Cult is leaving the Enchanted Acres Trailer Park and heading to Iowa, where we know the SFC is located. 
Roger from SFC

    According to the Wiki, the woman in this photo in the manager’s office is the adulteress from the Look-See. I don’t know how anyone made that connection because the photo was barely seen, but here it is. 
Left: Photo on counter in Trailer Park manager's office. 
Center: Close up view, as much focus as I could find.
Right: The adulteress from Look-See S1

    P.S. I think Sheriff Bradley might have been a reference to Bradley Brown from Critters 1986.

Sunny Family Cult

Left: SFC symbol. Right: SFC wearing their masks.

    Founded in ???, the first kill took place April fools 1982. There is a man and a woman and they already have the symbol tattooed on their arms. I suspect that this might have been Elias and Roger’s parents.
Left: Cult's first kill. Center: SFC tattoo on arm. Right: SFC couple walking away.

     Taylor (Elias's daughter and main character of SFC) has always had some form of connection to the Monster Universe, as there are drawings of the Look-See and Mordeo in her diary
Look-See and Mordeo in Taylor's diary

    Additionally she is the girl with dark hair and is 17 that has murdered before and seems to have some form of vision of a corrupted girl. Taylor is Elias’s daughter, and he is the leader of the cult. 
According to one of the Creepy Pastas, Elias and Roger both founded the cult in 1994-1995 not 1982 like is shown in the first episode of SFC. S3 seems to try to make this right, but as a fan film theory to merge the continuity, in 1994 Elias and Roger are talking about how “she’s not coming back” (likely their mother) because she left them for some rich guy in the city. I suspect that if it is their mother that left, their father got killed during one of the couple’s murder sprees, and their mother couldn’t handle not having him around, so she left the cult and her family behind. Additionally, I think it would be cool if she introduced knowledge from the crypt tome to the rich man, causing Monsino to be founded. Also, when Roger starts reading the crypt tome, Elias asks where he found it. Roger simply dismisses the question “It’s none of your concern.” so I could see him having found it in their parents' old belongings. This would make it a reforming of the cult in 1994/1995 instead of the formation.
Left: SFC ritual including "A girl of seventeen with violence etched into her soul. At the moment of her greatest weakness. Black hair. Red eyes (though some copies of this page say Black eyes). A blood sacrifice of four victims. The fifth will become something greater than a man." along with Aponi, Mordeo, and Look-See watching over the ritual.
Right: The Crypt Tome.

    In S3 Roger tries to perform the ritual to turn him and Taylor into monsters. This involves killing at least 4 other people with Roger himself being the fifth victim. The first two are the couple that Taylor asks for help. Then there is the hotel manager. Lastly her father who is Roger’s brother, Elias.
Left: Couple staying in motel. Center: Motel manager. Right: Elias

    Roger’s tattoos depict the sacrifice ritual, the Look-See, Stoneheart, Soot, Mordeo and Birch’s totem. Five monsters. Five Sacrifices. 
Roger's tattoo

    The Crypt tome shows the Look-see, his gloves, him peeling off skin of a person, the pocket watch, the blue gloves of the second look-see, and on the page before a clock face in roman numerals with the words tempus edax rerum (time, devourer of all things) above it. Next page shows Soot, then The Birch, then Stoneheart with the text “for she the protector will think dear all that appear then that would denounce her name”, “ when for the stones the man cast will hook the bones of his enemies.”, “She seeks to reduce that?”. Then a monstrous silhouette of burning and death. The four horns make it seem like it could be Aponi, but it could be something else entirely. If it is Aponi, then it would seem she might have been burned to death for witchcraft before her spirit bonded with Stoneheart. 
Pages from the Crypt Tome

    Then the sunny family cult symbol (likely it is meant to mean something else). Roger then finds the page on monster transformation without the use of a torment fragment or monsters with the subtle difference from other versions where it says “dark eyes” instead of “red eyes”. The page shows Aponi, Mordeo and Look-see. Unsure of why unless they too used this method to become monsters. We know that Taylor has seen Mordeo and Look-see since they are drawn in her journal, so these monsters could act as spirit guides for her, appearing in her dreams.
More pages from the Crypt Tome

    Personally, I like the theory that Roger started his own branch of the Sunny Family Cult and spread them out to find or make these monsters. Thus creating the Mordeo sect and a member of the cult trying to help transfer Aponi from Rebecca into Abigail or Jessica.  

    The last page shown is that of Roger’s future horrific transformation process.
Roger's foretold transformation.

    Taylor views her monster and feels ‘compelled by the darkness’. We do see her monster future and possibly the monster soul that would possess her. I still find it interesting how similar the lesser monster Taylor is to Estelle, making me wonder if this ritual had been performed before and that Taylor and Roger are simply performing it again.
Taylor as the monster she will become

Taylor's inner monster or monster spirit

    Additionally, the monstrous spirit bares some minor resemblance to the crying woman from Under the Stairs except for the lack of eyes.

    Taylor is able to have some form of interactions with pre-existing monsters, the Look-See interacts with her in her dream slightly like Freddy Kruger from Nightmare on Elm Street and she also sees a big shadow with horns (we don’t know what this is yet, but it looks like the same fiery silhouette from the journal and the four horns suggest it is Aponi) and she can see her monster counterpart.
Left: Look-See hands on Taylor. Right: Taylor and Aponi shadow silhouette.

     Later Taylor focuses on her darkness and can see Look-See, Stoneheart, Fluffy, Soot, Mordeo, Aponi and The Birch.

    In the end, someone takes the crypt tome from the hotel room, and we don’t know who it was. 

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