Dear Readers,
Today I wanted to talk a little bit about the anime Claymore. This anime reminds me a bit of Tokko in a few ways. First with the Yoma and then with the Claymore themselves. I would like to point out that I will only be talking about the anime and what is on
claymore.wikia because I have not read the manga.
So, what are Yoma? The anime and wikia is very vague, they are just creatures that eat human flesh that are able to transform and appear as human, that they can take control of someone's mind. I would endeavor to define Yoma as humans possessed with a demon, like the Phantoms from Tokko. Indeed, they have similar appearance and appetite for human flesh, not to mention the powers they have.
So, what is a Claymore? A Claymore, or a silver eyed witch, is an individual, almost always female, but not necessarily, who has Yoma tissue infused into their body. Like the Simbiotes from Tokko, the evil spirit lurking inside of them awakens their body to immense power. This power changes the coloring of their eyes, into silver, and also gives them longevity, vitality, healing, and a decreased appetite.
Yoki Aura |
Now, both Claymore and Yoma posses what I will call a "brand" or special subgroup of energy called yoki. As I have defined reishi and chakra from Bleach and Naruto respectively as spiritual energy and a combination of spiritual and physical energy, I am slightly torn between defining yoki as a type of reishi or chakra. I do lean towards defining it as a type of chakra created from the habitation of the demonic spirit in a human body, physically changing the body. This would be congruent with the types of chakra in Naruto, like the tailed beast chakra being red while human chakra is blue.
This would also allow for a comparison between the sealing of a tailed beast inside of a human within a different dimension to simply taking flesh of the beast and fusing it within that human's body. Thus allowing that individual to not only use or borrow the beast's chakra, but to make it themselves with their own body. In effect, creating the hybrid of the creature and a human, or Yoma and human into a Claymore.
By releasing their yoki, a Claymore gains more physical strength and speed, but at the cost, probably due to the demonic nature of this brand of chakra. If too much of the yoki is released, a Claymore will transform into a very powerful Yoma called an awakened being. This verge of becoming an awakened being is compared to sexual arousal. It is so much harder to stop these kinds of emotions the longer they are allowed to progress. Because of this, male Claymore became awakened beings much more often than females.
An awakened being is very similar to, say, Naruto in his Kyuubi form before he could control it. A raging creature hell bent on destruction. However, after time passes, their former consciousness can begin to take hold again, and they return to a near human stage. Alas, they still have the incredible craving for human flesh. It is also important to note that they become like their inner creature, again like Naruto transforming in the Kyuubi.
Well, now that we have these terms defined, lets talk about some of these powers and how they work.
First up is Irene's Quick Sword. Irene pumps so much of her Yoki into her arm that it awakens. Thus, her arm goes out of control with speed while the rest of her body is used to maintain her physical, mental and spiritual strength over the arm to keep from completely awakening and taking her over. This speed allows her arm, and by extension her sword, to move so quickly that it is not seen and the very wind from the blade is able to strike and destroy from a distance.
Miria's Phantom Mirage |
Next up is Miria's Phantom Mirage. Much like Irene's Quick Sword technique, Miria uses her Yoki to increase her speed to the point that by jumping between three or so locations she rests long enough for her body to be seen at each location. Thus creating three versions of her that can each strike an attack and each have an attack pass through them. To counter, one would have to attack all three at once. I would easily compare this technique to the Pokemon attack Double Team.
Third is Ophelia's Rippling Sword. Again, very similar to Irene's Quick Sword, Ophelia moves her arm or arms back and forth like a vibration. This is at such an intense frequency that the blade claymore blade bends and weaves like rubber or water. Meaning, if someone tries to block the blade, the tip not blocked can bend around the blocking sword and still strike the opponent.
Adam and the Earthquake Machine from Mythbusters Episode 60 Image Link |
This is all under the premise that an object can vibrate at a frequency that will effect it at a molecular level. Tesla's Oscillator is a prime realistic example of this. Supposedly, his device found the frequency of the ground and caused an earthquake in New York. I am aware that Mythbusters, in episode 60 "Earthquake Machine", created a similar device and it failed to bring down a bridge they tested it on. However, with my knowledge of frequencies, and acknowledging that they the did find the frequency of the metal bridge, that only serves to vibrate the bridge, which it did, but by slowly increasing the frequency is what would need to occur to vibrate the bridge enough to pull the bonds apart. Thus, in my opinion, the Mythbusters did not perform that experiment properly.
Fourth is Jean's Drill Sword. Now, because of a Claymore's regeneration abilities, Jean is able to twist her arm around multiple times. Because of the rubber like elastic properties of skin, muscles and tendons, this causes a spinning strike with the sword. The blade spins like a drill and is thus able to penetrate deeper in a single strike. Of course it is extremely painful and takes time to recover the arm afterwords, but a Claymore is no worse for the wear afterwords.
Rachel uses at technique called Strong Sword in which, like a flicking finger, she drags the blade through the ground creating tension that is then suddenly released when the sword breaks free from the earth.
Sixth, Raftela uses Sensory Control much like a specialized genjutsu from Naruto to create paralysis and cause hallucinations in the mind of her opponent. Another reason why yoki is more of a demonic form of chakra.
That about sums up what I wanted to talk about Claymore, what they are, how they are, how they are able to do what they do. If you have any questions or remarks, I would love to hear them. I hope that you enjoyed this post.
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