Dear Readers,
As my second installment of One Piece, I am talking about Devil Fruit. So, what is Devil Fruit?
Devil Fruit are mystical, well, pieces of fruit that when ingested grant the eater powers. However, if a Devil Fruit eater eats a second fruit, the two powers rip their body apart. Also, there is a side effect, that all Devil Fruit eaters can no longer swim. Indeed the sea, and sea stone, weakens them and drains their strength. I have a very strange theory about this.
The Book of Revelations found the New Testament talks about things in the premortal life, the history of this mortal world, and even thing about the world when it is reborn. Specifically, I want to focus on
Revelation 22:1-2 "1. And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the thrown of God and of the Lamb. 2. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yeilded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations."
Now, to put this in more context, during the millennium the New Jerusalem is established on the earth again, indeed the city of Enoch called Zion has come down from heaven. Therein is God's temple and His throne. From Hist throne flows a river of pure water. At some point along this river there is a tree so big and large that is spans from one side of the river to the other, allowing the water to flow between its roots. Now, this tree is called the tree of life, so it is likely the same tree from the Garden of Eden. This one tree has twelve different kinds of fruit, and produces this fruit monthly. Now, this could all be metaphorical, as John the Revelator was known to prophecy with. However, for this arguments sake, what if it isn't metaphorical and is a real river with a real tree?
Because the tree of life is known as the tree that gave Adam and Eve immortality in the Garden of Eden, what if each of the different fruits give parts of that immortal power. Like all of the Devil Fruits in One Piece. Now clearly there are more than twelve, but the power correlated premise could indeed be there. So, why would eating more than one Devil Fruit destroy the body? Because this fruit is not meant for mortals to partake of. Our fallen bodies can barely handle the power of one fruit, let alone all of them. Yet, the purpose of each of these fruits are to be united in one whole. All of the powers in one perfect being, an immortal being.
Brook and Luffy loosing strength in sea water Image Link |
As for the loss of power in water, that could have something to do with the river passing under the tree. See, trees draw up water and nutrients into themselves like a straw and build up fruit as a way to reproduce. What if the fruit, or rather the power within, does not want to return to the water from whence it came? What if it wants to continue to progress? I know that this could be a bit of a leap, but it could make some sense. Especially when compared to the fruit's reincarnation cycle.
With the fruit's reincarnation cycle, it is the power, or spirit that transfers. Not necessary creating a new body, but borrowing that of mortal or telestial fruit. When that fruit is eaten, that spirit or power is given to that individual, and when they die, that power enters fruit to continue the process.
Elijah ascending into heaven, leaving mantle to Elisha. Image Link |
I would like to make the distinction that this is not the usual concept of reincarnation, that it is more like priesthood power being passed among those who have authority. Like when Elijah gave the "mantle" of the priesthood and authority of a prophet to Elisha in
2 Kings 2. This was not Elijah's spirit, but was indeed the power that he held from God allowing Elisha to work miracles.
Now there are three different "types" of Devil Fruit, though I would have defined them differently.
Paramecia type Devil Fruit produces from the body or transforms the individual into a non element. That is the proper definition, but I would rather redefine it as a "parasite" paramecia, and limit it to productions from the body. Thus, technically, Luffy's rubber body is a paramecia because it is not an element, but I would define it more as a logia because it changed his body itself.
Logia Devil Fruit change the individual's body into an element. This is most notable with Ace's Mera Mera fruit turning him into fire. Again, I would redefine this to including all body changing Devil Fruit and thus include Luffy's Gum Gum fruit.
Lastly, Zoan Devil Fruit change the individual into an animal. These fruit allow for three stages, a complete change to the animal, a hybrid form, and the normal human form. I am completely fine with this current definition. It is, however, important to note that specialized medicines could be made to change and effect the body chemistry allowing for more forms for a zoan to take, as with Chopper who was a deer who ate a human zoan fruit. Because of the nature of the human fruit, it could be quite likely for a human to eat the fruit and gain no power, because they are already human, and only loose their ability to swim.
Now, though eating more than one fruit will kill the host, the powers still seem to be able to spread. This was the most blatantly obvious when Blackbeard used his yami yami fruit and its darkness powers which also effect gravity to pull the gura gura tremor powers from Whitebeard into himself. This allowed him to both have his darkness logia power as well as the tremor or earthquake paramecia power.
From this cannon experience, I think that it is quite possible that all of the Devil Fruit have some way to be reunited in one host. This is hinted by how Luffy uses haki to recreate Ace's fire by releasing the energy stored in the haki has heat and fire for his Red Hawk Punch.
He even uses his haki to recreate the spring legs of Bellamy for his Spring Bullet technique.
Though, with Luffy, those powers did not actually enter his body, it is important to note that it doesn't really matter that much, he has acquired the use of those powers even if it was by some other means.
Well, there are infinite ways of using these powers, and there are countless Devil Fruit both cannon and not. Thus I will leave you with my hypothesis, that all of the fruit are trying to be reunited and that each as some way in which it could be used to gain all of the other powers.
I hope that you have enjoyed this post, and feel free to use a comment.
Once Piece 1: Haki
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