Saturday, August 1, 2015


Dear Readers,

I feel like talking about the possibility of aliens. I remember talking to a potential investigator on my mission, while up in Glasgow, MT. He had a firm, eye witness testimony that aliens exist. Not exactly an abductee, but close. I remember thinking, this is awesome, he believes in aliens, and some people think we are aliens.

I also usually think of the Simpsons. There was a Halloween episode Treehouse of Horror IX in which Kang and Kodos knocked on the door, and Homer answers it, then says, "Oh great, Mormons."
But why is there this strange stereo-type? I think that it is because we have an understanding about the universe and science that allows it to completely coincide with religion, specifically Christianity.

So that is why I believe that people have this misunderstanding. But in a different sense, we are pretty much the only Christian religion that even has leeway to allow for aliens. Let me explain:

We know that God has created other worlds, for His own purposes (Moses 1:33). Most of them have life, in spheres, like planets or even stars (Doctrine and Covenants 93:30). So we know, for a fact, that there is life out there in the universe.

The same God that created us, His children, in His image, also created the animals big and small, not in His image. Indeed, other worlds, like the one that the dinosaurs inhabited (see my post on creation) had different animals upon its face. Even in Revelations 4:6-9 talks about four beasts praising God, Cross referenced with Doctrine and Covenants 77:2-4 we know that they are 4 literal beasts, though described with symbolism to describe the glory of the classes of beings, and that their spirits are also created in the image of their bodies, namely beasts. Again, cross referenced with the New Testament Student Manual 54 section commentary for Revelation 4-11 paragraph "Four Beasts" we learn that "the four beasts were four of the most noble animals that had filled the measure of their creation, and had been saved from other worlds, because they were perfect: they were like angels in their sphere. We are not told where they came from".

So God has indeed created beings in spirit and matter on other worlds, not in His own image, who have obtained various degrees of glory. Which means that there are indeed beings out there with human like intelligence, but do not look human. Just like how those animals in Revelations were able to talk and sing praises to God.

So, what keeps them from visiting earth? In Doctrine and Covenants 130:5-7 explains that angels or God's messengers only visit the sphere or earth to which they belong or have belonged. Thus the only celestial beings and possibly terrestrial that can visit our world are humans or animals from our world. Either in spirit or flesh. (Doctrine and Covenants 129) But what about those who inherit a telestial glory?

We know from the scriptures, but most easily explained in the Plan of Salvation Pamphlet "Where Will I Go After This Life? that  "those who continue in their sins and do not repent will receive a place in the telestial kingdom." For a more in depth study you can look at Doctrine and Covenants 88:21-24 and Doctrine and Covenants 76:81-89. These compared to Alma 34:34 of the Book of Mormon, we find that even in the Eternal world, after the resurrection, these wicked will be wicked still. Not abiding, or living by the laws of God. That is why they are no long permitted in His presence after the judgement.

So, for the Celestial and Terrestrial glorified beings, they have to obey God's commandments, but the Telestials, by the very cause of them receiving this glory, do not follow God's laws, therefore it is reasonable to assume that they break them.

Now for my almost purely hypothetical argument, what if some of these other creatures that God has created received a telestial glory. No pain, sickness or death, Though, unlike celestial or heavenly beings, they have to rely upon technology for transportation. Thus the UFO flying saucers.

This would also explain how they could be little gray people.

Now for some more fun speculation about why they would experiment on humans. They would be immortal, resurrected beings. Some of these experiments might be for the purpose of trying to find out why we die, why we are mortal.

We also know from Christ's own resurrection, that such beings can still eat (Luke 24:41-43) but there are no references as to whether or not they can defecate. This would explain the anal probes. They may be wondering what it is about our physiology that makes it so that we do not absorb all of the nutrition and other matter that we ingest.

Alas, because Christ was the "first fruits" of the resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:20) it is very unlikely that they would actually be telestial resurrected beings, yet they could still be some form of mortal beings.

Anyway, this explains how the common ideas of aliens could actually exist, in case they do turn out to be real, so that those saints who believe may not have their faith shaken. If you have any comments or refutations, please post them. I hope that you enjoyed this post.


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